The Ville

Jul 06, 2009 15:31

Yesterday i went to Davis Square in Somerville with an FTM (female to male) friend. We met up at the Diesel Cafe, but i asked him if he minded going someplace else to eat. We decided to go to Redbones. It is a Texas type BBQ place that is supposed to be the best BBQ restaurant in all of Massachusetts. i've heard people talk about it before. A nurse i really liked when i was in the hospital said that the artwork downstairs at the restaurant reminded her of my art, so we sat downstairs. However, i did not really see the resemblance to my art, other than that it was colorful. They served us cornbread and butter and our drinks came in big jar's. I had chicken with mashed potatoes, broccoli and mac and cheese. It was good. i tried one of my friend's ribs. It was a little undercooked for my liking, but it was quite tasty.

Afterwards, we were standing on the corner talking, and this gangster kid/guy came up to me and asked me for a cigarette. I gave him one and he said "thank you. i'm actually a woman you know". and i said "cool". i don't think he was an FTM, but it seemed interesting that he would say that to 2 FTMs... like he could tell something about us, but he didn't say it in a rude way at all. Then my friend and i got a soda at the Diesel Cafe, and on my way to my car i ran into the kid again. He came up to me and said "Do you have a square?" (which means cigarette on the streets of Boston) i said "no, i don't have any left" and he said "okay. cuz i'm actually a gargoyle. if you look up at a building some day you will see me" i said "cool" and he walked away. The gargoyle statement didn't make as much sense as him saying to us that he was a woman. Oh well. he seemed like a cool shit. a little crazy obviously, but cool.

gender, ftm, homeless, cigarettes, food, somerville, boston

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