Jun 04, 2008 11:17

here is your personal bill of rights. In a free world, these statements are true.


* i have a right to say no to demands or requests i can't meet
* i have a right to ask for what i want
* i have a right to express my feelings
* i have a right to change my mind
* i have a right to make mistakes and not be perfect
* i have a right to follow my own values and standards
* i have a right to say no to anything when i am not ready, it feels unsafe or it violates my values
* i have a right to determine my own priorities
* i have a right NOT to be responsible for other people's behaviors, actions, feelings or problems
* i have a right to expect honesty from others
* i have a right to be angry at someone i love
* i have a right to be uniquely myself
* i have a right to say "i'm scared" or to be afraid
* i have a right to say "i don't know"
* i have a right not to give excuses
* i have a right to make decisions based on my feelings
* i have a right to meet my own needs first
* i have a right to be playful/frivolous
* i have a right to be healthier than those around me
* i have a right to be in a non-abusive enviornment
* i have a right to make friends and be comfortable around people
* i have a right to change and grow
* i have a right to be happy
* i have a right to have my own needs and wants respected by others
* i have a right to be treated with dignity and respect
* i have a right to my own point of view
* i have a right not to share with people i don't know or don't trust

How free are you?

democracy, individuality, personal bill of rights, freedom, psychology, empowerment

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