May 01, 2005 02:32
Get off your high horses! Who the hell do you think you all are. Let me tell all of you something, especially for you "religious" people, if Jesus Christ acted the way you did the world would be a very cruel place. It sickens me to think that those who preach God's divine guidance and grace are, themselves, hypocrticial to their own beliefs. Stop all of this crap. All of you! Instead, do something for others for once. The last time I saw any of you stay up until 2:00 AM to give students a chance to do things at UMBC was probably when you all were freshmen. Well, actually, now that I am thinking about it, I have never seen ANY OF YOU do that! STOP preaching to the masses as if you are innocent children. Your not innocent, and most, if not all, of you are guilty of committing sins not only against God but against your peers. That's not helpful, and it's not the attitude I ever want to have sit in any position of authority.
Today was Quadmania. I saw some of you there helping bail water from the tarp, volunteering your day, ensuring that this banner event is a success. However, I didn't see all of you there. I am sure there are valid excuses, for some of you, but if I ever hear another word about anyone associated with me or my friends I will no longer just take it! This is out of control, and it will stop.
Get over yourselves and DO SOMETHING! Act like those SEB members who made this day, even with all of its difficulties, a success. Be like the SGA members who came and helped with the after-party and stayed up until 2 AM. Be like all of the student organization leaders that came out and raised money for charities or their organization by working a table at Quadmania. Until I see this, you have nothing to complain about. It's over and I am sorry if you have an issue with that.