So i picked up my 2nd tivo last week.
We have had the Tivo HD since it came out and we love it to pieces and pieces.
I was surfing craigslist for something.. I dont remember what actually.. And I came across a Series 2 Tivo for $100 with a lifetime subscription on it. I e-mailed the guy and within a day It was in my loving arms. the lifetime subscription alone costs $399 So it was an Easy WAP. (wife approved purchase) Its not a HD box, but we keep it on the small lcd in the bedroom. We just setup stuff we wouldnt mind falling to sleep to (basically scrubs, daily show and wipeout)
So this weekend I decided to crack open the tivo and upgrade the 40gb HD in there with one I had laying around the house - $200gb WD IDE. Crack the case, void the tivo warranty.. no sweat..
Grab the "new" drive, open up amy's computer.. no pata cables. EVERYTHING is sata. i go look in my "Junk" box full of evry cable or screw imaginable.. No ide cables.. Crap on a cracker.
Amy and I were out doing errands sunday when we stumbled into a best buy. Figured they *might* have one and I would be overcharged for maybe $5.00 for a .50 cable. I nearly shit a brick when i saw this. I still cant believe it.. I think the most I ever paid for one was $6.00 at compusa, because it was UV reactive and I was in my "woo lets make my acrylic watercooled case glow blue" phase.
I'll just have to grab one from my desktop @ work Wed.