So much for the season of goodwillage

Dec 24, 2005 13:23

From the Telegraph - Gay pride or unholy alliance? - One particular paragraph caught my attention

'Stephen Green, the national director of Christian Voice, said: "Ordinary people will be revolted by the sight of these couples embracing and the recognition in our law of what the Bible describes as an abomination and 'vile affection' will bring judgment on our land from the same Almighty God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah."'

For your information, asshole, the only thing ordinary people are revolted by is your vile hatred of anyone who doesn't conform to your perverted idea of 'morality'. Fuck you and your shitty organisation, there's nothing wrong with people who love each other wanting to publicly affirm their commitment to each other, regardless of their sexual orientation.

To sum up, Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice, you can suck my fucking dick.

religion, rant

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