Fever dreams

Dec 07, 2006 15:12

I've had a stomach flu now since 10 PM last night. And damn, its simply one of the worst experiences I've had in months. However, in a counter to the agony, my dreams (when I'm capable of sleeping, that is) have been super-intense.

The first one I can recall had me on the bridge of a warship. A space warship, and engaged against an alien foe too numerous to even think of counting. I remember fighting, and then following a man named Gabriel in his battle against the aliens in hand-to-hand combat. Then I was hit, stabbed through the stomach, and I awoke to cramps, and another visit to the porcelain shrine.

After that, I dreamed I was walking through BHS, the old BHS, and I came to a door I hadn't noticed before. I knocked on it, and it was opened by a person I thought I recognized. It looked like Ralph Turano in a beard, and he asked for the password. I responded with "Gabriel's spear" and he let me in. Inside the room were people who I recognized, but who were the dream versions of themselves. Andrew Blanco was there, but he only had one eye, in the center of his forehead, and Toni Triola was there, but she was rail-thin, almost emaciated looking. There were others there who I kind of recognized, but I can't recall who they were. They were sitting around a table with what looked like a board game on the table, but there were a couple decks of cards involved, and the dice they rolled were an impossibility- 3 sided dice. They handed me the dice, and placed a counter on the super-complex board representing me, and it was a short dwarf with a big mallet. In fact now that I think on it, it was the little figure Georgia made to represent Grog in Doug's D&D game. We all rolled the impossibel dice, drew cards, and then one of my rolls took me into contact with someone and they all cheered and all of a sudden I was in a boxing ring against the bushy- bearded Turano lookalike and a smaller girl who I can't recall now. We had butcher knives attached to the boxing gloves, and we fought. I know I lost, waking up again to cramps. Weird dream, though.

It was only 4 AM, so I passed out again, and I was driving my car with Shawn and Sara in the car. They were both in the backseat, and Jim (the Mick) was in shotgun. We had a discussion on politics and games, and then as Sara interjected into the conversation, a cat ran into the road, and I swerved to avoid it, going off of the road, and starting to do flips in mid-air. Usually this is where I wake up. Not this time. We hit the ground, and I was thrown from the car, landing safely on the ground, and as I stood up, I watched the car explode, and then I turned around and saw Jim, Shawn and Sara standing in black suits behind me. The cat was winding its way between Jim's legs, and as I was confused, Sara drew a small little gun and shot me. Thats when I woke up.

There were other dreams as well. I remember saying to myself at one point, "Montezuma's revenge? Nope, I got Mel Gibson's revenge" and other assorted pieces of gibberish.

As for why I posted this... well I haven't remembered dreams that well since I was a kid, and they were cracked out enough to be creepy short stories. So I felt they needed telling.

And I'm done.
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