E.P.I.C. Epics

Oct 26, 2007 10:45

Updating my Karazhan wish list I'm noticing a few bosses are still holding out on giving me the loots.

Those bastards :P

Mace: Ah Maiden, why do you tease me so. Two drops and two lost rolls. And I'm always complementing her on her amazing consecration)

Neck: Netherspite (Haven't fought him yet... so I can't complain about him yet)

Shoulders: Shade of Aran (This bastard was our roadblock for weeks, but we have a system and he's on farm status now... gimmie my shoulders you!)

Cloak: Big Bad Wolf or Prince Malchezaar (The Wolf is farm status when we get him, and I'm actually not to pissed since he gave me my lovely libram last night. The Prince.. farmable too, but meh I'm not gonna complain about him yet as I've only been to him twice due to schedule problems.)

Chest: Illhoof (I can't grouch here, last night was the first time we've downed him while I was in the raid and the second time in the guild ever)

Belt: Netherspite again (We'll get to you someday you've been warned)

Pants: Chess Event (Still waiting for them to drop... curse you chest of loots, I want pants! Pants that heal! Gimmie my pants!

I <3 my Libram of Souls Redeemed (Thank you Big Bad Wolf), I know it'll be super handy in the 25 man raids, and maybe in the 5 man instances too.
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