On the off chance that I ever post in BRPS, some things I will remember to avoid. Like unto the plague. These are things that bug me. (Note that I still go to BRPS at least once a day and fret over drama. Because I am a hypocrite.)
1. TL; DR.
If the suck can't be explained in one or two quick paragraphs, it's probably open to a dozen interpretations, at least half of which aren't worth bitching someone out for. Likewise, if it can't be explained to my non-LJ-RPing husband without elaborate backstory, I need to tell myself it's probably just internecine (inter-Nexine?) wank.
2. "Your friends." This phrase sets off all my Kali alarm-chimes. I was kind of amused when she told me that "you and yours" were all wanktastic. (I have a yours? Holy shit! I had no idea! Here I thought I only talked to, like, two or three people on IM or IRC. I must be cool! Or wait, maybe she means my pets...? Because goddammit, if Pinto has been getting out of his cage to cause internet drama on my computer, I'ma gonna be pissed. BAD PARROT.) Seriously, though, it is a lame phrase. It usually comes across to me as "I don't know who exactly I'm mad at, but you seem to RP with a bunch of people and I know you talk to some of them OOC and have in-jokes." It's a fabulous way to maximize drama, since instead of a rant about one person, it's now a rant about a dozen or more people!
3. Complaining about people that I still play with but haven't talked to about my irritation. All questions of being-a-grown-up and if-it-bugs-me-so-much-why-haven't-I-said-so-before aside, that's just asking for a lot of "look, dumbass" comments.
4. "I'm just venting," following a post written in a letter format loaded with insults and rhetorical questions. Also, "I love you dearly, but...." posts.
5. Self-conscious references to the letter format. >_> Old meme.
6. Unnecessary references to the kind of sex that's going on. If it's the frequency and publicity of sex that's annoying, does it really matter if it's gay, straight, poly, kinky, unrealistic, boring, poorly-spelled, unsafe, etc? And if that is the problem--which it could well be; there's things that do squick me--then it's probably a good idea to have the honesty to say so and get right to that problem. It just bugs me when someone says "I'm sick of all the gay sex that's happening here," and then seems annoyed when people respond as though the complaint is about the gayness of the sex and starts saying in comments "well, what I really meant was...."
7. Pretty much, just posting in the first place. But hey, like I said, I read BRPS every day, so it's absurd to complain about posting there.
8. Failure to proof-read and spell-check.
9. Posting before 10 AM or after 9 PM. After about ten in the morning I get way less irritable about Internet Drama. And after nine my brain cells start flying home to their night-time perches. And bats come out, and there's the soft whisper of the wind in the pine trees, and small white moths appear suddenly as ghosts in the dim light from the living-room window...Oh. Wait, no, that's sitting outside at night in the summer. D'oh.
10. There should be a number ten. How about...eh. Trying to tell myself or anyone else that a post "isn't about anything in particular that's just happened."