Dec 01, 2009 15:20
Sometimes i feel like if i were to vanish... i would be nothing more then a blur in someones figment of imagination. Like if i have no one that really care for me. No one that truly values my friendship. I always see the movies and TV shows of these perfect relationships and awesome friendships were people would do ANYTHING for friends. I don't know, this might all be in my head and none of this be true... or it can all be true. I wish things get better for me... but not only me.. for everyone that i care about... even if they do not care for me. I don't know if i have anyone still that uses this application but then again, everyone has face book and my space. Still i like to use this because its my little place were i can come and talk, and only real people that want to know what is going on will know what really is going on..