So I've realised that I'm way past due for a big, fat, long People to People post. In case you did not know, I went on this trip for this gay group called People to People last year in July. We went to England, Wales, and Ireland. It was almost a month long. Everything was good, I guess. Basic tourist pro-and-con. But the group we went with was particularly and terribly roudy.
Anyway, I do hope you read this. It's relatively interesting. The following is the entire journey, with pictures I have cut up and parts of my travel journal. Anything in bold is something I've added since the trip.
~July 2nd~
We've arrived in London. We'll be here for 3 days, then Wales, then Ireland. Glyn, the delegate ( local group leader ) is this shorty Irish guy with super small ears. He's totally gay. He said fabulous. The bus driver is Ned.
Hampton Court Palace
I can't write so well in the "coach" because I get sicky easy. However, a lot happened. We took the bus of Ned into the Hampton Court Palace, where we got lost in the hedge maze and I acquired some tea and comfits. England is a beautiful country. Only one day and I've already seen two parts of London, and a bit of country side. Feeling comfortable for now, even though the hotel room is small.
~July 3rd~
Went to the Tower of London, and saw part of the "Changing of the Guard." New tour guide, Brian. Girls say I'm into him 'cause of that bit about the bald guy ( we were watching two guys playing tennis or something, one was very young and too girly, and the other one was a bit more attractive, though balding. ). Pheh. Also saw St. Paul's Cathedral, which was very cool.
Buckingham Palace Took the wrong train home getting back via the TUBE. So we arrived much later than expectd. Hard Rock Cafe blah. Fucking greasy burgers blah. But Brian left! noo!
Wicked is a fucking styupid musical. People are starting to bother me. A lot. That's no good, seeing that it's only day two out of twenty. They're just so BOY BOY BOY BOYFRIEND BLAH BLAH RULE BREAKING BLAH BLAH. Weird. Oh, and by the way there was this really adorable crossing guard during the changing of the guard.
Cute crossing guard. Hard to take a good shot since he was chewing gum.
~July 4th~
Parliament, speaker Patrick Nickles. Reminded me of Hugh Laurie.
"The only funny question is the one I can't answer. But I'm a politician, so I'll lie!"
"Even a broken clock is right twice every 24 hours."
The London eye
Ah, shopping. Finally some shopping. We went to Covent Gardens on the Jubilee Line. Then we went on the London eye. Scary, but I had this brilliant love affair with this bloke in the "bubble" in front of mine. We flirted and winked and giggled at each other. Then it just felt too creepy.
My lover, on the left. He was taking a picture of me on his phone right now.
Getting up early tomorrow to head off to Wales. I failed to be up on time yesterday, so I pray tonight I will. EXTRA CRUCIAL.
~July 5th~
Got up early, yay! No worries. In fact, too early. There was an adorable little girl in a stroller on the Tube last night. She wanted Eddy so bad.
10:40; Hello from Wales! Score! Long, boring ride. Saw Stone Henge!
Mah friends and I in front of the awesomeness
We also went to "Bath" on the way to Wales. Very interesting place.
~July 6th~
Finally a full night's sleep! People in my room don't seem to be very punctual.
Went into "Big Pit" today. Scary. But the tourguide was amusing and strange. Anywho, lasagne and frieds. Itay said, "Am I the only one with a hole in my butt?" we made fun of him for it. He was trying to mean a hole in his seat. Glyn ate ice cream, and I called home.
Turns out that the "live music" tonight wasn't the traditional Welsh (god only knows what that would have been) that I was hoping/expecting, but all of the people that work at the bed and breakfast in a pop-cover band. The keyboardist was the hot guy who took our photo this morning. Unfortunately he was balding a little, so Jordan kinda joked around. But as I went back to my room, I ran into him and I gave him a giggly little stare and he looked cutely back at me. Hahahah I'm terrible.
The keyboardist & photographer. Never got his never. Never took a very good picture. Very cute.
Ireland! Yay! Got in via Ferry, through Waterford. The hotel is very nice. The bathroom is sparkly and nice, with a decent tub.
~July 8th~
Waiting for the 7 o'clock room check. All the Irish speaking makes me miss Pitt. And people smoke absolutely everywhere (I don't think they have many laws against it.)
We had lunch at some inn, then met with Glyn's boss Fiona. We learned some random shit. But I felt really bad about lunch, because we were served these really nice sandwiches, and a bunch of people didn't eat them and just messed it up to look like they had. Horrid.
Arrived in Sneem. Adorable little place, with nice restaurants (cute Russian waitress. Good pie. What else do you need?)
We're staying in little guest houses right now, and tomorrow we'll be going to our homestays. We went to this Batt fellow, who told stories and talked about the Irish. Bought his story telling CD, which he signed!! Learned a bit of Gaelic, forgot it by now. His wife played the Concertina!!
Sneem creek thing
~July 9th~
Leaving Sneem this morning and going to some river to ride boats. Then up the mountain and downhill in Horse buggy things. Should be different like but interesting and potentially fun.
Gap of Dunloe. Boat rides! Horse rides! Something else for Pitt, I don't believe it. The Drinking for Religion like shirt. Cheapest I'd seen it. Hope it fits :X
Here are a few interesting photos from that day:
On the boat in the Gap of Dunloaish area.
One of my favorite pics from the trip. We had to walk part of the way.
Glyn on a horse cart! ahahah! he's so fruity!
Got to the host family today. They are very nice. There's the mother, the father, and the 6 year old daughter Shana. She's incredibly cute, but never stops going. She went crazy of her shepherd's pie. Ah, children. Turns out that "real Irish tea" turns completely against Scott's religion. Ahah. I'm not the only crazy one.
~July 10th~
Made it half way through. And not a too good day, either. We went to a drama place, which was scary and everybody sucked and hated improve which pissed me off. Biatches. Then we watched boring Gaelic football and hurling. I went antisocial again. Met a local! Met a horse! Tried to meet a cow!
Gaelic Football and stuff.
~July 11th~
Last day with my host family. A little sad. Kissed the Blarney Stone today. It was scary and gross.
I'm gettin' it on with the Blarney Stone. Unfortunately, the guy who held me down, too.
And then we went Irish dancing, which was much fun. Especially riding on Glyn's back. Ahahaha.
~July 12th~
Said Goodbye to the homestays. Shana gave the handmade doll, Lena (after Katina) that I left for her a surname "Sky Diamonds." Interesting. We travelled to the Mary Immaculate College, where we leanred to plate spin and juggle. Yes, IRISH people with IRISH ACCENTS in a real IRISH CIRCUS taught me how to JUGGLE! That was fun, only something weird happened with the coach and stuff. We were confused. I think people had been sneaking out. It's happening way too much.
~July 13th~
We did a lot today. Went to the Burren Area, where we went to the Aillwee(?) Caves. We walked up a limestone mountain with this AWESOME guy named John, who sounded and acted like Valentine and looked a little like Mr. Shipley. Jordon didn't agree. But it started raining, and everyone was so FUCKING SLOW we couldn't go all the way up the mountain. John was sad.
John, and the breathtaking view between the two Limestone mountains, both of which his family own!
Then we went down to the Cliffs of Moher, where we were all tired and hungry and rained on. It was really horrible and scary.
Ooo creepy cliffs of Moher. Really. Fucking. High.
~July 14th~
Went to Dublin. I didn't like it too much, too busy and stuff. But got some shopping done anyway. There were these really cute guy's in St. Someone's Green. I wanted to talk to them, but they were "smoking and scary." So I just gave them that "I'm interested in you! Giggle!" Look that I am starting to perfect. Hahaha. I bought a cute pyjama set. The shorts are snuggly. But the crotch is a bit wide. Meh.
So I had a tustle last night with those loud assholes around 3 in the morning. The whole inn is complaining because they're such annoying butt fuckers. Ugghh. I told Joan and Barbara, the two delegate leaders that I like, and we had a little chat about stuff. It's getting embarrassing to be in such a bad group.
On another note, I talked to Suzi for half an hour, which made me really happy.
Old school Guiness factory in old Dublin. Does Willy Wonka ring a bell?
~July 15th~
Waiting for the ferry to get back to Wales. Earlier, we went to Cilmainham Gaol in Dublin. It was fucking scary as shit, but also sad. The song, "Grace" is based on a tragic love story. I even saw the room where the guy had been in. You should check it out. The song is beautiful.
Then we drove around Dublin, through Phoenix Park, stuff stuff stuff. Went shopping in Dublin and stuff. Going back to Wales soon.
Dublin street from the bus
~July 16th~
Second night in the University of Wales. We have our own rooms and bathrooms. SO wondeful. And dinner was wonderful, also breakfast. We had to go to this bloody stupid "Full-On" Experience. Really fucking gay. As if I didn't know what Team Work was. I met this guy from another People to People group who made me think of Sam Greszes. Weeirdd.
~July 17th~
A lot happened today. Glyn took the day off, so we had this woman as her leader thing. We went to Conwy Castle, which was very old and stuff. It was an English fortress in the Middle of Wales which was practically impenetrable. Cool beans, huh? Not exactly. Then we drove all the way to the largest mountain in Britain, where we had to clear Rododhendrons in some non-profit hippy libral bullshit. It was really fun though. I didn't get a chance to take any pics though, and my batteries are being tards.
~July 18th~
Last day in the University. Yesterday was my last night in Wales for who knows how long. Hum. Perhaps even forever. I don't know. But we drove toward London today, and I've heard that we're spending the night somewhere not in London. We have to be at the Airport super early on the 20th. I'm kinda afraid. Apparently a lot of the students in the group have been going out and drinking, which is most definitely wrong. I don't like it at all. At least I'll be home soon.
We're in Birmingham now. Stopped off in Chester, Cheshire, where we had this AMAZING walking Roman Soldier tour. Our tour guide, dressed all period and in character, was awesome and super hot. Really great legs, too.
Caius Julius Quartus himself.
Mmmhmmm! He can conquer my cities any time he wants :F Roman Bath anyone?
~July 19th~
LAST DAY. We went to Stratford-Upon-Avon!!!! OMG. But first, Warwick castle. It was very cool, and stuff. Many things to do and buy, unfortunately. But it was all good. Can't wait to get on the plane and get my sorry ass home!
Warwick Castle. Very cool place somewhere in England.
Old Billy's house itself! Rather big, actually.
~July 20th~
So I guess this is really my last entry. Overall, I think that it was a pretty good trip. Despite how many people treated me bad, though I was the second oldest person, and a lot of the people misbehaved, I'm glad I went. I saw some absolutely beautiful things, bought some lovely nice stuff and met some remarkable people. So yeah. This was a good trip that I'm glad I went on.
here are some last pictures that I didn't get a chance to stick into the journal log. they're links, since they are in full size.
Big Ben Cute little Sheep in Ireland. I could see this on a calendar Gannon has a pharmacy in Kerry! Underground sign. Come on, I HAD to Lovely Irish Countryside Jordan playing tea with Shana in the homestay Thanks for reading, bitches.