I sure hope to see you all out tonight. It's free, and it's New Years Eve Weekend! We're starting it off the RIGHT WAY and carrying the party on until Sunday morning! I play early (9:30-11) so show up early to catch me!
What's up party people! Weve received tons of emails asking for the line-up and the location of the show so here they are.
MotionLoops proudly presents Promotion 2005 in association with
Lost Tribe, E-Pro,
BucklUp, Austin Electronic Music Association and more TBA. The concept is simple...come to dance, enjoy the music, meet new friends and to promote yourself and crew. All are welcome to set up shop with a booth, banners, giveaways, and anything else to promote your art, flyers, music, and message. Out of town? This is a perfect opportunity for up and coming DJs to meet Austin promoters!
Line Up In No Particular Order:
Blake Jackson
Matti Pimp
Jay Nicole
Gido Jinx
Cloud 9
+ 10 additional DJs on open decks [DJs must sign up in person]
Venue Details
Main Area 6000 Square Feet Fully Heated
Seven Large Format Video Screens Courtesy of MotionLoops.com
- Thats almost 25k lumens with independent zones!
Three Independent Lasers Courtesy of Art at Lost Tribe - fccproductions.com
- First time ever appearing in TX with a full color spectrum laser!
Clean Ample Sound Run Proper
Beats Run From 10pm To Sunrise
Free Vending
- Vendors just show up before 9PM
Come help decorate and set up this great show! Get involved!
Set-Up 8:00PM Friday Dec 30th at venue
Set-Up also starts at 10AM Saturday Dec 31st
Cost Before Midnight: Free! {{{Donations Appreciated}}}
Cost After Midnight - $10 Just get there before midnight!
Location: North Austin, Lamar Area Just South of Braker
818 N. Meadows Dr.
Austin, TX 78758
Click For Venue Location Please help spread the word.
When reposting hit the reply button first, copy entire thread, and then paste into a new bulletin or the map link wont work.
Lets pack this place!