Scion - Petro Campaign - Downtime 13

Aug 21, 2011 15:59

[Erika's journal entry - Yi and Me]
Yi and I are a happy couple again! Yay! I'm soooo happy!

As I said at the end of my last journal, I flew to China and surprised her with a visit. I haven't done that since our issues started. I ran up to her and threw myself into her arms and kissed her and kissed her and kissed her, and I didn't care about all the Bureaucracy functionaries who were milling about, looking at us with wide-eyed stares. Yi excused us, though, and I told her we really needed to have a long talk. So we went to her home in Di Yu.

Before we talked, I couldn't help myself. I just wanted to be with her, and so we made love in the pitch darkness. We haven't done that in awhile, and it was like we were rediscovering each other! ^_^

Then we talked about all the things I've been writing into my journals over the past months. About my bitterness toward her for sending me for punishment in Di Yu and her antagonism toward Amaterasu. About my romance to Amaterasu and the necessary balance that Yi and Amaterasu represent. I explained how that balance is in opposition now, but how I believe my fate as a goddess of harmonious Light and Darkness is to bring the two of them into harmony. And I explained how our experience shows that we need to put all of this anger and resentment behind us. Not just Yi and me, but our pantheons as well. They need to regain harmony as well.

I told her once again how much she means to me, how important she is and how much I need her. Not just because she could be the anchor to darkness that prevents me from becoming bound irrevocably to Soku-no-Kumi, but because I love her.

I won't say that we've resolved all of our issues. Yi still hates Amaterasu, but she's forgiven me for the way I wronged her, and I've forgiven her for her unfair reaction. We've put it behind us now, and we're really a family again.

Of course, I also told Yi all about the stuff the Celestial Bureaucracy did in the past to the captured Japanese agents, and how they didn't return those agents after the war. She was as appalled as I was, though she did argue that it was probably done for the sake of harmony. She actually seemed surprised that I wasn't willing to accept that. After all, I'm as much about harmony as I am about personal expression. But what the Bureaucracy did to those poor Amatsukami youkai and scions was like cheating the system. By choosing not to return them to their former identities, the Bureaucracy was only achieving a false harmony built on lies. And as we can see now that the truth has begun to emerge, a harmony like that is fragile. Even though it's much harder, working to achieve true harmony through compromise and understanding is the way to go.

Once I explained that, Yi seemed to understand. she's agreed to do what she can to help Charles and I make sure the Amatsukami agents are restored to their true identities. I hope this will also help us mend some bridges between the pantheons, especially if I can engineer some sort of formal, mutual apology between Amaterasu and the Bureaucracy, in which she makes amends for the Japanese atrocities and the Bureaucracy returns our lost scions and youkai. I'm so glad I have Charles and Yi to help me out with this!
[End entry]

[Private entry - Arrows for Himiko]
After returning from China and the Loa celebration, I decided it was a good time to go visit Himiko and share with her my suspicions as to her son's recent activities - you know, Hachiman, and his attempt to assassinate me ('cause I'm pretty sure it was him).

I visited her on a routine social call. She still doesn't like me as much as I wish she did, but she's courteous and tolerant. She'll come around eventually. And she's very fond of Echo, which helps bridge the gap between us. Honestly, she's too fond of Echo, and I'd be insulted by the way she covets my wife if she weren't so proper. I mean, she's obviously not acting on her feelings, and I respect that. As long as she continues to respect my marriage, then I'm good. But if she ever acts on her desires, I will be intensely pissed off.

Anyway, that's beside the point. I'm really trying to make nice nice with Himiko. But I needed to return her crossbow bolts to her - the ones that were used in the attempt to kill me. So after sharing some pleasantries and enjoying some tea, I revealed them to her and told her that they had been used in an assassination attempt that very nearly claimed my life.

She was initially offended when she thought I was leveling an accusation at her, which was the reaction I wanted. Then I defused her indignation by explaining that I was in no way accusing her. Quite the contrary, I wanted her to know that someone had stolen her property and perhaps even attempted to frame her for the assassination. That caught her attention.

My real intent was to convey a message to Hachiman through her. I told her that I strongly suspected that Hachiman was the assassin, and that while I understood his disagreement with me, he was totally out of line. I also explained that I had not and would not tell Amaterasu of the assassination attempt, for fear that her vengeful actions might destabilize our pantheon and her role in it more than we can afford right now.

That said, I also made it clear that any further action against me on his part would leave me with no choice but take action against him. For the sake of harmony, of course, I hope it doesn't come to that. I made it clear to Himiko that I value Hachiman's important role in the Amatsukami. But I won't stand idly by and let him try to kill me, both for my sake (duh!) and Amaterasu's.

Of course, if Hachiman had nothing to do with this after all, these threats could end up being pretty embarrassing, but I'm pretty sure he's guilty.

Anyway, Himiko didn't really betray a lot of her feelings on the matter, but I think she understood the gravity of the situation, and I'm fairly certain that as Hachiman's mother, she will convey the message to him. I imagine she's pretty pissed that he used her weapons too. I would not want to be Hachiman right now, that's for sure!
[End private entry]

[Erika's journal entry - Keiko's Issues]
There was a time when I could rely on Keiko to keep everything in order and everyone else in line. And, most of the time, I still can. But these days she's more often the problem rather than the solution. *Sigh*

So, after I returned to Red Mountain from China, I was hanging out on Red Mountain working on my music when Echo came in, all in a huff. She started going on about how she didn't like Keiko acting all possessive over another woman. That caught my attention, so I asked what was up.

Here's the situation: Quinn and Sera were together looking at hand-me-down baby clothes and just chatting about their respective pregnancies. Yeah, Quinn's pregnant again, which just floors me. I mean, I can't believe she actually likes having kids that much. I mean, kids are great, but I've already hit my limit for the foreseeable future, while she seems like she's just getting started. What kind of Cool-Aid has Pierre been feeding her, anyway? She likes being the center of attention, and I guess being pregnant gets her all the attention she wants, but still...there have got to be better ways to go about it. I hope Pierre's not taking advantage of her. >_<

Anyway, Sera apparently got a little flirty with Quinn and started tickling her feet or something. Whatever she did, it wasn't exactly innocent, but it wasn't naughty either. I mean, I flirt with people all the time, and I wouldn't call it innocent, but that doesn't mean I'm going to go to bed with them. Apparently, this offended Keiko, who is no longer in a relationship with Quinn but apparently still feels possessive of her. Plus, Keiko has a foot fetish. Keiko and Sera got into a huge argument over it, and Quinn sided with Sera because she was justifiably angry that Keiko felt she had a right to say who she could or couldn't be with.

So, Keiko went and complained to Echo, and Echo got pissed at Keiko because Echo is secretly jealous of Quinn because of all the kids she's having and because of how awesome it is, apparently, to be with Pierre (which, I gotta tell, ya, kinda offended me), so she told Keiko off and now Keiko's upset that her girlfriend won't talk to her anymore.

Fortunately, I've become a pro at defusing these sorts of situations. I talked to all the concerned parties and helped them sorta make-up, though Keiko and Quinn are still on the rocks. Mainly, I had to have a long chat with Keiko. she really was out of line, and I think she understands that now. She has no right be possessive toward Quinn. She not with Quinn anymore, and if Quinn and Sera want to fool around, that's for them to work out with Charles and Pierre and Elisa, not with Keiko. Of course, this all ended up coming back to her stress over not being able to have a child with Oda, and by the end of my tough love conversation with her (in which I told her that she was letting her pride make her miserable), she went off to cry alone. I let her be for a bit, and then went to her and tried to be as comforting as I could.

She really needed that, and I held her and she cried, and after awhile, I think she was better. Not one hundred percent, but better. It'll help when Echo gets over being angry with her. I had a chat with her about it, but you know how the Dodekatheon can be. They hold grudges. She won't hold it for long, though. She's too into sex with Keiko for that.

And yes, that also makes me jealous. It's not that I want Keiko. If I did, I'd have her. That's actually another of her issues, the whole unrequited love thing. But I'm jealous of sharing my wife with Keiko. That said, I'm willing to put up with it, because quite frankly, we are in a sort of open marriage and I'm not a hypocrite. I have no right to be jealous about Echo and Keiko when Echo is so patient with my affair with Mercedes and my occasional flings with Persephone.

So, yeah. Drama. But things are under control again.

I guess the really sad part, as I see it, is that while Quinn and Keiko and Echo are having their spat, Dahlia's the one I'm really worried about. She's been so depressed lately! I mean, T-Bone has essentially abandoned her. He never comes to Red Mountain, and never visits his wife. All he does is run with his werewolf pack or whatever else he gets up to when we aren't off fighting some battle in the war against the titans. Dahlia knows she's lost him, and it's completely demoralized her. I've been there for her, but there's only so much I can do...
[End entry]

[Private entry - Poor Dahlia]
I really do wish I could do more for Dahlia, but my guilt make it hard. I haven't done anything to disrupt her relationship with T-Bone. But now that I know that he's in love with me, I fear that he's abandoned Dahlia because of her proximity to me. Is it really so painful for him to be around me, that he would allow it to destroy his love for her?

Or was she always a substitute for me?

Gods, I hope not.
[End private entry]

[Erika's journal entry - Aztlanti and Loa Unite!]
So, while the Amatsukami and Celestial Bureaucracy are still having issues, other pantheons are becoming quite cozy!  We could learn some lessons from them.

Basically, the Loa and Aztlanti have essentially allied themselves to one another. Pierre and Elisa are the anchor for this alliance, and Elisa has now been formally adopted into the Loa, so she belongs to to two pantheons now. They even gave her a super-special relic that will allow her to learn the ways of Cheval. Pretty cool, huh?

There was a huge celebration! The Loa really know how to party, and it was cool to see Pierre and Elisa as the centers of attention. Pierre's used to that sort of thing, but Elisa was a little out of her element. She handled it well, though.

As a part of the whole deal, Quinn was also formally adopted into o the Loa, since she's married to Elisa and Pierre. She's not actually a goddess, of course, but she has been recognized as a powerful Loa spirit. She represents the Loa rokurokubi (which the Loa prosaically call "long-neck women" - though, come to think of it, that's essentially what the Japanese name means...). Thanks to her, rokurokubi have become a part of the Loa legend as well as the Amatsukami, and she's sort of their patron spirit. Her mythic power even increased, and lemme tell ya, she loves the spotlight. I just hope it doesn't go to her head too much.

So, it was good news all around. The Aztlanti aren't quite as isolated as they used to be, and the Loa have gained some powerful allies. It makes me want to redouble my efforts to get to Celestial Bureaucracy and Amatsukami back together!
[End entry]

[Erika's journal entry - The Grip of a Death Goddess]
I've just spent several delightful days in Reikou, enjoying the company of Mercedes. My gods, she's amazing. I really look forward to seeing her continue to grow into godhood. Echo was with us, of course; I'm glad she's become so fond of Mercedes as well!

Mercedes' music is amazing. Her violin produces the most exquisite sounds when played by her graceful fingers. And let me tell you, her fingers are graceful...

Um...what was I saying? Oh yes, I've recorded some of her music, and I'm incorporating the ethereal chords of her violin into several of my latest songs. Maybe I'll even have her show up to play with us some during my next tour!

But...all is not well. I have a lot on my calendar before the wedding in a couple weeks, so I only planned to have her visit for two or three days. But I kept making excuses to keep her there. I didn't want her to go. I couldn't let her go. I didn't even realize it until Echo told me that I was starting be weird about it. I ended having to leave Reikou while Echo made apologies for me and saw Mercedes off.

Needless to say, the experience really bothered me. I knew I was feeling possessive of Mercedes and might have trouble letting her go, but I wasn't prepared for the reality of it. I immediately went to visit Persephone, and we talked about it. What I'm feeling is very much the same thing she felt with me, so I kinda vented to her about it. Her guess is that as I'm becoming more attuned to my role as a death goddess, I adopting the possessiveness endemic in gods of the Underworld. I consider Mercedes to be mine, and I'm not willing to relinquish her. Boy, that really cramps my style. >_<

Well, I'll have to deal with it somehow. Maybe meeting her outside of Reikou will help... I"m not going to tell MErcedes about it, though. I can't risk frightening her away.
[End entry]

[Private entry - Harmony in Darkness]
Once I'd managed to tear myself away from Mercedes, I visited Soku-no-Kumi to see Erebus and Melanthea. I wanted to do so before the wedding since I wasn't sure when I'd be able to get away after I marry Amaterasu. I especially miss Melanthea, and she really misses me. She was so excited when I arrived! That warms my heart more than I can really describe! ^_^

We spent the time as usual, conversing and teaching each other about darkness and the world, and other things. I've been teaching them to exrpess themselves through art, and all three of us, Erebus, Melanthea and I, made such beautiful music in those darkened caverns. I've introduced Melanthea to a host of different instruments, but she seems to prefer the violin (she plays a wicked electric violin, BTW!), while Erebus likes the wind instruments. He says it's because they remind him of the cool, echoing winds blowing through eternally dark caves. I think my attempts to encourage godly virtues in them is being very successful. They've both developed a very acute sense of self expression and harmony. Melanthea is particularly open to such things, being my lovely daughter.

Erebus also enjoys sculpture, and we have had some amazing times together exploring the tactile sensation of crafting stone and clay. I must confess that I sometimes long for his touch. All of my spouses are women, and I miss the masculine touch of a man. And Erebus is an amazing lover, strong and sensitive at the same time. Even though our relationship is all part of a game of influence in the war, I think our love for each other is real. I like being his consort and being recognized as an authority within his realm.

And I love our daughter. Melanthea is more amazing that I ever imagined, and I can't believe I once feared giving birth to her. She's managed to create her own titanspawn (though I hate using that term to describe them...). She calls them "nocturnes" and they are beautiful, alluring female succubus silhouettes made of the purest shadow. Since Melanthea represents the soothing, enticing, and seductive qualities of darkness, the nocturnes are beautiful and seductive as well. Melanthea offered some to me as servants, and I really wanted to take her up on it. But I sadly had to turn the offer down. If I show up with nocturne servants, it will reveal my secret affair with Soku-no-Kumi, and I'm not ready to let the rest of the world know about it yet.

Melanthea was disappointed, but she understood. She told me that she was really worried about Kagatsuchi. She's been busy learning as much as she can about her mother while I've been away, and now that she's aware of how dangerous he is to me, she's eager to destroy him so that I'll be safe. I tried to comfort her, and explained that I had it under control. Still, when the time comes to deal with him, I might call upon her help, as long as I can also guarantee that I'll be able to rescue Izanami's divine spark.

One thing worries me, though. Even with my renewed connection to Yi, I still fear I'm inextricably bound to Soku-no-Kumi now. And I wonder what that will mean for the future. Persephone has pointed out how similar we are, and I wonder if that observation isn't more accurate than even she knows. Fate seems to be channeling me down a very similar path, and I wonder if I will not eventually be forced to share my time between Soku-no-Kumi and the rest of the world just as she is forced to share hers between the Underworld and the Overworld. That prospect frightens me, especially since I'm so excited about sharing my future with Amaterasu. But I don't think it frightens me as much as it should. After all, Ama-no-Zaku is a living example of the dangers I face...
[End private entry]

[Erika's journal entry - Children]
The wedding ceremony that will make my wedding to Amaterasu official is only a few days away, so I've been buys making preparations. It's a huge event. The wedding itself will last almost all day, and there are a couple of days of ceremonies and rituals that we have to go through before the ceremony itself!

But I have a few minutes and thought I'd give an update on the kids.

Rosa-Petra is doing great. She really does take after both her mothers, though she really looks more like me. She's growing up so fast, and it won't be long before she has to go off and become the spirit of a mountain. We have to find a good mountain for her, and one that's not too far away! It's bad enough that I have to let her "move out" so early; I don't want her to be too far away. Wherever she is, I'm absolutely building a Shinto shrine on her mountain. It'll be dedicated to her (I mean, she will be the mountain's kami) and it will give me easy access from Takamagahara! I'll put a shrine to her in Kurayashiro too. ^_^

Mei and Shanyu are rampaging little hellions. It's amazing how much trouble a couple of toddlers can get into. I think they feed off each other's energy! But they are adorable! And I think they could sense when Yi and I weren't getting along so well. Now that we're good again, the kids just seem more content! If that's not reason enough to keep our relationship happy, I don't know what is. ^_^

Anyway, Mei seems like she's going to be the bossier one of the two. She inherited my whimsical nature, but it's tempered with Yi's seriousness. Shanyu, on the other hand, is more serious, but also less aggressive. He likes to explore and figure things out on his own, so he sometimes sulks when Mei tries to help him out too much. She means well, but she has to learn to let her brother do his own thing. ^_^

Since everyone else is so busy (and Dahlia's really not that good with kids), Miko, Kimiyo and Rose are our babysitters. When we're in Reikou or Kurayashiro, there are servants to help out too, and Oiwa enjoys pitching in when she can.

Echo is still doting on Agala, and trying to find her a husband. Yomi was not suited to holding a hecatonchire of Agala's size, so we've moved her to Takamagahara, where she's taken up residence in a home we had built for her in the mountains some distance from Sakokushiro Palace. She's settling in fine, and I think the other Amatsukami are slowly adjusting to their new neighbor. Hell, I'm slowly adjusting to it. Agala's not easy to get used to, but she's trying very hard to fit in.

Well, I guess that's it. More later.
[End entry]

[Erika's journal entry - Early Wedding Present]
The Vampire King (a.k.a. David Bowie) sent me an early weeding present! It's SO COOL. It's an intricate silver ring fashioned to resemble a bat. And it lets me channel the divine power over animals...well, bats specifically. It's the perfect symbol of my divine role as the Patron Goddess of Vampires!

So, I've attuned to it and already figured out one trick. I can grow a pair of bat wings now! I can fly! It's totally badass. I look like some hot succubus demon goddess when I sprout the wings.

Thanks David! You're a sweetie! ^_^
[End entry]

[Erika's journal entry - Heavenly Wedding]
Amaterasu and I are now officially wed, and I've taken my place as co-ruler of the Amatsukami. Not that I plan to push that authority for awhile until I've earned it in the eyes of my fellow gods and goddesses. They may only grudgingly accept me now, but once some of my plans come to fruition, their views on me will change for the better.

Anyway, the ceremonies leading up to the wedding were long and tedious, but I performed them flawlessly. The other Amatsukami have to respect my attention to etiquette, if nothing else. ^_^

The wedding ceremony was a day long affair, beginning with a ceremony not unlike that shared by Izanagi and Izanami when they were wed, and culminating in the exchange of vows and sacred sake. The whole time, Amaterasu and I could barely keep from just staring at each other. Gods, I love her! But the wedding was perfect, and even if we only had the grudging support of some members of the pantheon, everyone was nonetheless outwardly supportive. That said, I could sense them judging us, and especially me, for any flaws in decorum. I didn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me flounder, though. In fact, I doubt most of them could have handled it with the same grace and aplomb I managed. ^_^ Amaterasu was practically beaming with pride by the time we said our vows.

Most of my close divine friends were there. Of course Keiko, Sera, Kimiyo, Dahlia and Quinn were there (but not my shikome). Miko was my handmaiden during the ceremony. Pierre, Elisa, Adam, and Charles were there (I would have invited even more people, but this wedding was a fairly exclusive event...). I was saddened, but not really surprised, that T-Bone didn't show. (T_T)  Yi did, though. She didn't want to be there, but she knew it would mean a lot to me if she attended, so she did. I really glad she's making such a sincere effort on my behalf.

Anyway, it was wonderful.

Later that night, after the festivities had ended and Amaterasu and I were preparing to leave for our honeymoon, we held a second ceremony to bring Echo into our marriage. So now, much like Echo, Yi and I are a marriage circle, so are Amaterasu, Echo and I. The rest of the Amatsukami wouldn't really understand or accept it, though, so we had to more-or-less do it in secret. Officially, Echo is Amaterasu's handmaiden now, which gives her an excuse to remain with us pretty much whenever she wants. I think that most of the other Amatsukami know what's really going on, but this way it satisfies their antiquated sense of propriety.

So now we're off to an isolated palace nestled into one of the most beautiful valleys in all of Takamagahara, where a brilliant waterfall cascades melodically nearby and the sun shines gently upon the soft meadows. We're staying there for two weeks, just the three of us. It's going to be wonderful! And I probably won't be journaling any during that time, so I guess this will be the last entry for a bit!
[End entry]
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