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Feb 28, 2007 11:04

Ok... so I got my braces off. It was a lot easier than I thought, but it just involved a lot of brushing. For some reason, it took me back, because it just felt like I was getting my teeth pulled or something. Not the lovely-ist thoughs, but that's what I really went to the dentist for. =\

My teeth looks so nice now that it's free of metal and it looks straight for the first time in ever. Growing up, my teeth were crooked and wonderful stuff... hell, if the dentist hadn't intervened, I probably still have my baby teeth. It had roots about the length of my nail, meaning that it would most likely not come out at all.

Of course, I have to wear a retainer. Here's the thing though. My mouth goes WTF FOREIGN OBJECT and I start to... salivate. It's not bad now, but at first, I had to constantly try not to... well, it's nasty. On top of that, it creates a severe lisp. I mean I sound like a deaf person, and my words are just slurred to hell. So, I pretty much solved that solution; just take off the top retainer. I still have one, but it's minute. I get to take them off anyway to drink, eat, and sleep. It's just weird [and anti-climatic] to suddenly feel my teeth again though. I can offically go back to eating all the things I used to... I did it with braces and somehow I only broke 2 brackets and a band. Go me?

I watched some of the new vids for GOLD, and so far I'm impressed. A few songs were like 'meh' but, for the most part, they're good. Now I can't wait for the GST and gamerips. Vanessa is one of those songs... The vid is kinda... wtfish. It's basically a portait with a bish (well, not a bish-bish, but with a hint of man) and I guess he is expressing his moods like >=[ and such. I'm guessing it's from Castlevania: Portiat of Ruin because at the end, about half of the picture is destroyed. I like the song though. And, along with the majority, WTF'd when Faxx is the OMES. Yeah. =|

Once again, I tried Endless Mode, this time on Supernova. I only got through 19 before I quit at... I wanna say Fly Away. I wanted to reach 20. I only got a 482 combo... I can't seem to pass the 500 mark anymore. There was twice that I reached the 1,000 mark, so of course I was still far off.

I like how the weather goes into Spring mode like immediately. It's been like 70s for the past 3 weeks, and before that it was like 40. Now I'm sort of confused. I'm telling ya, there's going to be a freak storm of the epic kind sometime soon. I can feel it. Bring it up here, and people'll say 'OMG 93'. Anyway, I also have a feeling we'll get a lot more severe weather, seeing that it's getting humid and there's the random front from hell around the corner. In fact, we're supposed to get some wicked storms tomorrow... which is Thursdays and I don't have class that day (go me!).

Speaking of, I pretty much had to debate whether or not I was going to drop math class. I've skipped since my first exam, and because of that I missed my second exam. Now, I thought 'ok, i'm so droppping this' until I re-read the syllabus. Basically. he'll take the 3 highest scores and average them twice with a different formula, and if you missed a exam, the final serves as a makeup. So, I pretty much failed the 1st, the final will be my makeup for my 2nd, and we have 2 more to go. If I pass with flying colors on all 3 of them, I have nothing to worry. The thing is, my disipline sucks because it's at 5 in the afternoon, and I have a 2 hour break before it on Mondays and Fridays.

I just need to raise my GPA to 2.2 or else I'm gonna in some serious trouble. I mean 'suspended for a full semester' type. Since I did the GAP, I have a 1.87 so, it doesn't take much to raise that I hope. Besides, I signed up for priority registration since I plan on being in band next semester (lots of pre-game.) Ah, the perks of being in band. It's like registering a full month before everyone does, which is awesome because all of the classes aren't full and you have a buffet. Being first in line so you can get that juicy steak you've been eyeing on since you walked in the door.

...hmm, steak. *drools*

retainers, college, ddr., spring, iidx gold, steak, storms, braces, hot, weather

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