(no subject)

May 30, 2005 15:32

I changed my background by myself so im proud of myself. i can actuly see it 2 so itz cool.

this weeknd has been crazy. i had a bball tordument in rhode island so i stayd in this hotel. there wuz a pool but i didnt want 2 get my hair wet. i was temporarily kickd out tha first game cause i pushd this bitch cause 3 girls were ontop me so i pushed her cause she had alredy hit me in tha eye. then i argued wit tha reff cause i shudnt hav got tha technical so he made me sit down. it wuz stupid. then i fould out wit 4 minutes left in tha last game. tha reffs were bad tho so itz not my fault. we went 0-4 but it wuz fun.
i wantd to hang out wit some1 2day but my parents are on some cruise an my grandparnts are here so im on lockdown til my parnets get bak. im startin tha countdown now.

Coment on sumthin or do tha quiz

`*One secret.
`*One compliment.
`*One thought you *secrely* have of me.
`*State here your completely honest opinion about me:
`*One thing you'd like to do to me.
`*A hint to who you are.
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