Sep 29, 2007 00:50
Soooo......... Stef and I are on our way down 495 to pick up some parts for a friend from his in-laws house in VA when some ASSHOLE decides that they want to throw something which hits my car and mind you this idiot was on the opposite side of 495 going towards Maryland..... It startles the shit out of me, and suprises stef a bit as well. we continue and get to the friends in-laws house to pick up said parts.. upon entering the house, I was dragged over to their computer (mind you yes they are a client of mine, and very nice but DUMB!) to find out that she cant watch dvd's in her computer because she screwed up the settings in the program on the pc.... I tried to explain to her that this visit was NOT a tech call for her but a H U G E favor to her daughter and son in law...... She didnt want to hear that and kept going on about the damned PC... mind you stef is waiting in the car this whole time...... I delete the old program, install a NEW one free of charge and while its installing I asked for the parts for their son in alw and daughter so I could put them in the car... The father brings me out to the garage while I hear her say " Sean I hope you dont mind but your not leaving until I can see this movie because......" I was screaming inside of my head because not only does this woman NOT know anything about pc's except what her office tells her she needs to learn, which basically is stuff like, quicken quickbooks pro and a few other types of programs, yet she doesnt want to take the time to listen to me to see what I have to say so she dabbles on shit and screws it up... anyway..... I get the parts in my car and I ask Stef how she's doing and explain things to ehr... I was hurrying as fast as I could.. I come back in to see the program installed, and I told her she was ready to go, and I started to back up to turn around she said " wait a minute let me see if this dvd will play......" I fast forwarded the damned dvd to the beginning of the movie and showed her it works and left... mind you by the time I finally get out of that damned house its friggin 45 minutes later and the time at that point was 7:45-7:50 . I get in the mustang and stef and I start up to our friends house. We FINALLY arrive there at 9:20 at our friends house to give him his parts... He says thanks and sits down to play friggin video games......... Stef and I just SAT there having to wait because he wanted to play VIDEO GAMES?!?!?!?! after 30 minutes his wife comes home and says she would get him off the damned game, ye tthat didnt change so Stefanie and I said fuck it because we had plans to go out tonight to submerge... We FINALLY just got in at 12:45 because of idiots on the road on the way back and because of the distance we had to go.... She and I REALLY wanted to go out tonight and because of IDIOTS our plans got FUBAR'd.
Dana, and Vlad, I am REALLY sorry for not being able to make it out with stef, she and I we really wanted to make it out for your opening night. We truly do hope it was a HUGE sucess for you all and we will DAMNED sure be there on the next one.... Even if I have to avoid the damned phone.
Now I have to wait until daylight to see where the damage is on my car because now the ride in it doesnt feel the same right now either. Thank god I get that DAMNED check in in a few days. Sheehy here I COME!!!!!!!!!
on a side note, as many of you know I am a religious person. I have a VERY strong faith in God.... So, I leave you with this prayer..
" Dear God, Your will on earth as it is in heaven. Nothing more, Nothing else.. Amen "