Sep 09, 2004 22:20
Jonny! I have something that will make you laugh and it's from a long time ago. Well actually it's not that old, but it's surprising that I still have it. I will email it to you later mainly because I don't want to post it here for others to read...OH WHAT THE HELL! Laugh away and I miss ya Jon.
ZQ SlimJim: well Jon...
Auto response from ultimatesongoten: Sing Song Practice. Dancing and singing and 2 hours of it! What fun.
ZQ SlimJim: I told her...
ZQ SlimJim: I don't know what to do now except to wait until tomorrow
ZQ SlimJim: and the anticipation blows
ZQ SlimJim: talk whenever
ZQ SlimJim: I'm gonna be up all night just wondering what will happen next
ultimatesongoten: well while your wondering I will know
ZQ SlimJim: you will huh?
ultimatesongoten: I tried to call her just a second ago
ultimatesongoten: But she's asleep
ZQ SlimJim: yeah
ZQ SlimJim: I could have told you that
ultimatesongoten: I want to hear what she thinks
ultimatesongoten: lol
ultimatesongoten: Did she say the doctor thinks she has an ulsur?
ultimatesongoten: Whatever that is
ultimatesongoten: Doesn't sound good
ZQ SlimJim: hmmm, well she had to go to bed at 9 since she's had some problems
ZQ SlimJim: yeah she has an ulser
ZQ SlimJim: I fear I know the answer
ultimatesongoten: Did she react in a way that hinted that?
ZQ SlimJim: I could hear uncertainty in her voice
ultimatesongoten: When did you tell her
ultimatesongoten: Not over the phone I hope
ZQ SlimJim: obviously today
ZQ SlimJim: because she would not have it any other day
ultimatesongoten: ??
ZQ SlimJim: well I told you I would tell her asap
ZQ SlimJim: but you know, I shouldn't worry
ZQ SlimJim: I got it out, and I am in the clear because I did, so now everything is up to her no matter what the choice is
ZQ SlimJim: but of course the choice is eating me alive
ultimatesongoten: Wake up James is what Julianne told me to say
ultimatesongoten: Anyways...
ultimatesongoten: Your in the eye of the storm
ultimatesongoten: For better or worse it only gets rougher now
ultimatesongoten: I hate the eye
ZQ SlimJim: lol
ultimatesongoten: The eye seriously sucks my man, but it will pass
ZQ SlimJim: all storms calm
ultimatesongoten: but it's where you end up after the storm, and most of the time it's not where you intended
ZQ SlimJim: pf course
ZQ SlimJim: of*
ZQ SlimJim: dude, I'm still young, even though I hate to think it, there are many girls out there that could be someone I enjoy and like
ultimatesongoten: Ug...
ZQ SlimJim: just think... there is more then one girl out there for you to spend the rest of your life with, it's all on how you spend your life and hat choices you make
ZQ SlimJim: kills me to think about that
ultimatesongoten: Ug...
ultimatesongoten: I don't want to even think about girls anymore and relationships and stuff
ultimatesongoten: It's so depressing sometimes
ultimatesongoten: Did you show that comic to Nate yet?
ZQ SlimJim: yes
ZQ SlimJim: he died laughing
ZQ SlimJim: as did I
ultimatesongoten: I FOUND IT first, remember that
ZQ SlimJim: lol
ultimatesongoten: Well I got to play one game of WAR3 before the end of the night so I'm off
ZQ SlimJim: lol ok
ZQ SlimJim: night
ZQ SlimJim: will tell you the results tomorrow
ultimatesongoten: May the goddess of love and luck shine upon you
ZQ SlimJim: I hopw
ZQ SlimJim: hope*
ultimatesongoten: I will sacrifice a young virgin for you tommorow
ZQ SlimJim: lol
ZQ SlimJim: lmao
ZQ SlimJim: thanks
ultimatesongoten: No problem, looking at my resume
ultimatesongoten: Oh look...
ZQ SlimJim: ?
ultimatesongoten: This one girl named Rachael seems perfect for the sacrifice
ultimatesongoten: /sneer
ZQ SlimJim: lol
ZQ SlimJim: /shakes head
ultimatesongoten: Hey, just trying to help you move on
ultimatesongoten: By sacrificing her
ZQ SlimJim: lol
ultimatesongoten: 'Cause she's breakin your heart
ZQ SlimJim: I drop that little gem by her
ultimatesongoten: Then the goddess will bring you a new girl
ZQ SlimJim: a new girl to get depressed over yay!
ultimatesongoten: Would you let me do it if the girl brought to you was Natalie Portman?
ZQ SlimJim: a new girl to leave me for another guy and lie to me
ZQ SlimJim: oooooo
ZQ SlimJim: /drool
ZQ SlimJim: sacrifice her
ZQ SlimJim: NOW!
ultimatesongoten: lmao
ZQ SlimJim: j/k
ultimatesongoten: lmao
ultimatesongoten: I'll make sure to tell her that tommorow when I call her
ZQ SlimJim: nah, I would take rachael over Natalie in a heartbeat
ultimatesongoten: WHAT!?
ultimatesongoten: This girl's blinded you with some wicked spells
ultimatesongoten: I want to get my hands on those
ultimatesongoten: So I can cast them on Wynona Ryder
ultimatesongoten: Or Tawny
ultimatesongoten: /sneer
ZQ SlimJim: lol... no I just found the girl I want to be with
ultimatesongoten: So have I...but Tawny's not replying to my emails
ZQ SlimJim: lol
ultimatesongoten: Neither is Wynona
ZQ SlimJim: lmao
ZQ SlimJim: that's funny
ZQ SlimJim: I'm saving this convo
ultimatesongoten: And Knightley has a restraining order on me
ultimatesongoten: I am too
ZQ SlimJim: rofl
ultimatesongoten: So I have proof that you told me to sacrifice her
ZQ SlimJim: yeah but proof that I would take her over natalie portman
ultimatesongoten: I'll make sure to omit that
ultimatesongoten: With Photoshop or something
ZQ SlimJim: and that's huge considering I think no one is more perfetc then natalie
ultimatesongoten: Yeah, I do Tawny, Wynona, and Knightley
ultimatesongoten: Portman is now 4th
ultimatesongoten: or 5th, I can't keep count any more
ZQ SlimJim: sad sad sad
ultimatesongoten: too many girls
ultimatesongoten: ttyl man
ZQ SlimJim: lates
ZQ SlimJim: message of the day
Auto response from ultimatesongoten: I am not available because I am playing a computer game that takes up the whole screen.
ZQ SlimJim: lol