Aug 28, 2004 02:27
I wake up, go to school, and then I come back home where I spend the rest of the day in front of the computer. This is what occurs about 6 days of the week. I'M PATHETIC!!! But that's okay, because I'm still allowed to go wherever I want whenever I want. I have nothing to keep me back now, the only time I have to speak to my parents is asking them if I can use the car and telling them when I will be home (common courtesy). Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, but being 18 is amazing. Although one part about it scares me...MARRIAGE! The reason for this is because all of my friends, who I grew up with are all of the sudden getting married. I'm even the best man in one of them. *sigh* Oh well. I don't have to worry about that stuff anyway. And dammit we have another animal now...another cat, yes Jon, a CAT! My Father comes home tonight...err, more so last night and gives my sister a cat. I can't wait to get out on my own, away from my family and away from this house that's in the middle of nowhere. Even though I know I will miss it, I will still be content with anywhere else.
Oh God saturday school begins in like 4 hours. *whimper* I don't wanna sit and do nothing...hmmm, maybe I'll try and persuade the principal to change the dress code so that all the guys wear suits and the girls wear dresses. Mwuahahaha. I bet that I could seriously get him to consider it. Alright lemme see a show of hands on who would hate me if that were to happen. *waits for comments*