May 30, 2006 16:15

LET THE BLOOD FLOW!!! MY LJ CHERRY HAS BEEN POPPED!! Ok that didn't look as good on paper as it did out loud.(you didn't get the benefit of hearing the background music)Oh well........after long debates and a swift kick in the ass from my "BETTER HALF"(she told me I had to say that or no sex) I have decided to take the jump into the infamous underground world of the "LJ"!! I have to admit this to you early in our time together, I have been a "LIVE JOURNAL" Voyeur for months now. I KNOW ABOUT ALL OF YOU!!! ;) Ok that's lame and I know it.

Just to let everyone know (as you can tell) I'm not a great writer..i'm not even a decent writer so I apologize now before we get to deep in.....wait never mind just know I suck at this and hope to get better. I just felt bad that I got to involve myself in everyone's life without being able to comment or commented on so here I am. While I'm on the subject BIG UPS
to all of you that welcomed me via my "BETTER HALF'S"(see above) LJ. I have had the opportunity to meet several of you already and I look forward to meeting the rest!! I must say it takes big balls,guts,ego....whatever it takes to let total strangers into your life each day. It's kinda a dirty fun and I think I'm hooked!!! SO HERE IT GOES!!!!
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