Long Days Two

Oct 11, 2007 18:05

"She has a start button on her boob!"
  That was spoken by one co-worker to another. Good times.

The day
Was long. Got up at 4AM after having a nightmare about sleeping through my alarm and waking up at 6:15 which is when we start trayline. I awoke to find it was 3:50 and laid back down. I got up a few minutes later, got up and dressed and laid down again. I got to work and as usual did most of the work starting right off the bat. After removing all the carts of out the dry storage room, I was finally able to start my own things. The count is in the 300s. Last night it was 322, today it was 312 or something. That is very high considering when I started two years earlier, it was in the higher 200s on a normal basis. Considering how I couldn't stock up on coffee's (I serve each cup individually) because "they would get cold" if they sat there for 5 minutes...I did great!
The higher ups (Chef Dean and Ronnie) noticed and later at lunch Dean startled me by telling me so. Hooray...
Lunch is always interesting when it gets going. Then the line settled down to death because I had nothing to do (after I did my stocking) we were out of like everything so I couldn't stock much more than I had. We were out of everything from vanilla ice cream to the health shakes we give. Not good.
My Sister who's second day is today, missed me completely because her shift started at 3:30PM and mine ended at 2:30PM. 
I worked 55+hours last pay period (aka, the last two weeks) and I probably am this time around as well.


I was going to buy a speaker/dock for my iPod yesterday at Target but the guy doubted it was combatiple with my iPod (the 3rd gen. Nano (aka Nano with Video) so I didn't get it but got the armband holder and a mouse instead. (everyone who has used my laptop lately have whined that I didn't have a mouse. Now I do. But I was searching on the Apple Store and I did fine a speaker/alarm clock that's in my range, its about $100 that I'm probably going to get once I transfer some funds. Yay for Friday being payday.

I made my header and 3 Scooby Doo Icons from Monsters Unleashed. I'm at least doing 10+ from each thing I cap and they will mostly be Velma/Shaggy centered. Gonna start on a Kira Ford icon/banner set since I haven't had one of her in a while. And me being an Emma Lahana fangirl, I think I should sport one. ^_^
-DJ Rocca
(If you want a hint at the SD icons...look at the one on my post....I loved that cap!)

PS: I forgot how much I loved the song "Change The World" by Eric Clapton!

shopping, work, music

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