Mar 26, 2013 21:26
Sorry I've been MIA, work keeps getting in the way of everything and its very depressing.
Birthday is coming up which (besides meeting Raphael Sbarge in May) is the only thing I have to look forward to.
Work is just falling to pieces and I don't know how this trainwreck of a workplace goes on everyday. We've just lost like 3 people (2 regular staff and 1 supervisor) and its so disheartening to work there when you're bullied everyday. Yes I've gone to manangers AND the department head and she claims "I just take things too personally". Which I don't, after my years of abuse I can take a lot of shit but when it's constant AND for no damn reason, that's the hard part.
Ugh.Can I just come into a bunch of money and just stay at home and work on my original novels I have going? That would make me so damn happy.