can't face the dark without you (OUAT/B&TB picspam)

Dec 17, 2012 20:50

can't face the dark without you
Once Upon An AU (Beauty and the Beast)

Upon learning that he will be kept from his True Love, Prince Adam, the Beast will vows that he will fight for her no matter what.

Enchantress: Are you now refusing to give me your hand, my love?
Adam: Yes, Madam, I refuse.
Enchantress: You insignificant creature! Go! Make illustrious conquests more worthy of you than a majestic fairy! Striking him down, she transforms him into the beast, struggling to stand under his own weight.
Adam: Why are you doing this? Because I refused?!
Enchantress: Foolish Prince, is everything about you? It has occurred to several of us, that we need to keep true love apart for our own benefit. The power it brings could bring an era of light that will end us forever. I will keep you damned to the Frozen Realm, this castle, never to find your precious love. She will be subjected to the wrong Beast, believing it to be love when in the end it will never be. Her life will be nothing but suffering.
Adam: I will find her! No matter what I have to do!
Enchantress: Even if you do manage to find her in this world or the next, I will be there to make sure you will never have a happy ending...not until you choose me!

Prince Adam is portrayed by Patrick Wilson
The Enchantress is portrayed by Ali Larter
*some of the first quotes used are direct from the original tale.

beauty and the beast, ouat, fanworks

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