For you, in time (one shot)

Dec 15, 2012 23:40

For you, in Time

Note: I do not own the characters, I’m just playing with them. I also don’t have a beta so I apologize for errors.
Dedication: neairaalenko
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff…(whoops.)
Imagine your OTP waking up early in the morning and finding a baby in a basket on their front step. Person A is enthusiastic about bringing it inside but person B is hesitant, but as soon as person A gets them to hold the baby, person B fall in love with it and realize that it was meant for them to take care of it as a family.

It was early, too early if you asked Ruby Lucas. Well, part of her was used to waking with the dawn, the other part of her wanted to sleep all day and wait until the moon was out to run under its light. She thought it was the sudden movement of her bedmate that had woken her but once more, she heard a noise. No, it was a knock. It was loud enough that it startled Doctor Archie Hopper out of his sound slumber.

He blinked at her, groping the nightstand for his glasses. She watched him shove them on his face, then rush out of bed. Following on his heels, she almost tripped over Pongo who decided he was next in line down the stairs. By the time she got to the bottom step, she froze.

Archie stood in the open door way, the sun’s rays illuminating him. Pongo was standing on his hind legs, sniffing the bundle in his master’s arms. The realization hit her like a brick…it was a baby.

“Archie?” she breathed, her stomach swam, conflicted at the sight before her. He seemed almost angelic but the thought of a baby. She had thought of it from time to time now as she saw Alexandra as she grew but one thing held her back.

Her curse, knowing that the life she brought into the world would be damned by her blood. To willingly inflict that on a child was heartbreaking. She knew Granny had no choice; she had made it very clear that her marriage was not one of equality but she made sure it ended on her own terms. She knew her Mother had her so that she could have more wolves in the world. She repressed a shudder at the thought of being raised by that woman.

The light dimmed as he closed the door, holding the child in one arm and placing a basket on the table near the entry way. “Ruby, there’s a note,” he stated, as he began to gently rock the baby who started to fuss. She reached for the basket, which was still warm, for the small piece of paper in it.

Doctor Hopper,
I’m sorry to burden you so suddenly but I have no one else to turn to. Given the current events in my life, my child is no longer safe. When I am able to, I will return. I know you are a good man and you will keep her safe. Her name is Amira.

Ruby looked up from the unsigned note to Archie, he was grinning down at the child. Without realizing it, the letter fluttered down to her feet as she took in the sight. He looked so…natural…a lump formed in her throat.

“You’re glowing,” she whispered.

Grinning, he looked up at her, “Come here.”

Crossing to him, she was surprised when he handed the child to her. Anxiety filled her, she was careful to hold babies, even Alexandra. But as the little girl looked up at her, a warm feeling filled her. As those little eyes opened and surprisingly bright dark eyes looked into hers, she felt love. Little hands reached up to her, touching her chin. She couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping a little as tears burned in her eyes.

“Ruby?” he asked gently, when she didn’t respond, he called to her again, “Red?”

“Archie…I know I’ve always avoided the issues of children. I’ve always been scared given my curse but…maybe…” she trailed off, lifting her eyes to his. “One day, I would like to have our family.”

This time, it was his mouth that dropped. “Our family?” he asked in a whisper.

She nodded, a blissful smile crossing her lips, “Yes. But for now, let’s focus on this little one, she needs us. Besides, it will be good practice.”

Ruby sighed in contentment as his arm slipped around her and his lips grazed her forehead. She felt like she was home and this is what she had needed. And it would all come to her in time.

I hope you enjoy it!
I don’t write fluff usually but this hit me hard today. Combine that with a song called “Lego House”, this is the results.

fanfic, ouat

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