Land comm...

Sep 12, 2012 10:02

You know you're dedicated to your landcomm (onceuponaland when you stay up to 5:30am working on that damn jigsaw puzzle.

Though it did give me an interesting dream. Captain Jack Harkness (don't know if John Barrowman was actually in character or not) was Puss in Boots supposedly and was stealing this powerful ring from Rumpel that had been in Belle's family. The belle he was with wasn't Belle, it was her daughter. The real one died in childbirth and Adam died shortly after. belle was being raised by her grandfather, Maurice.

Fun fact: in the original tale Adam has a power ring that transports the wearer to where they need to go.

On that note I'm off to make finance breakfast

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

landcomm, via ljapp

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