NOTE: I didn't realize I had this COMPLETED chapter sitting there. I feel I should post it because it's good fun!
Full of Surprises
Part Four: Surprise Reactions
Note: I do not own Power Rangers, I do not make a profit from writing this.
Authors Note: Ask and you shall recieve! This is a hopefully more humorous take on this relationship and the surprises that happen in life.
Timeline: After Dino Thunder, after "Once A Ranger"
Rating: T (language, content)
Genre: Humor/General
Summary: One small decision makes a life altering surprise for the good Doctor Oliver.
Part Four
“So you’re not going to tell him the sexes of the babies?” Mari asked as she sat next to Kira on the couch in Tommy’s living room. He was on his way home from school and Kira was grinning at her newest ultrasound pictures.
“Nope! That’s what he gets for being late,” Kira replied, Mari shook her head.
“You are meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean,” she said and snatched the picture out of Kira’s hand, “I can’t make these things out, so what’s what?”
“That would be “Baby A”’s ass, it’s currently towards “Baby B’s” face. Oh boy, it’s begun,” Kira said, rolling her eyes.
“Kira! Door’s open!” Hayley said, as she walked in.
“Damn it!” Kira said and smacked her Sister in the shoulder, “I told you to lock the door!”
“You’re an idiot. You live in the middle of nowhere!” Mari insisted, Hayley entered the room laughing, holding several bags in her hands.
“More baby stuff!” she sang out, Kira smiled and took the bags.
“Hayley, you need to stop that! You’ve already given us enough!” Kira insisted, taking out several outfits and then squeed over it.
“So, you’re not only my friend but this child is practically my niece…or nephew?” Hayley asked, Kira shook her head at the redhead.
“Not telling. You’ll tell him, he’s gonna pay for missing it,” Hayley sighed, and shook her head.
“I shouldn’t be punished,” Hayley pouted, “You know he’ll probably try to butter you up by asking for your hand in marriage, right?”
“I hope not, because though I’ll want to cave, if I hold firm and turn him down, he’ll be crushed and I’ll look like a bitch.”
“You already do,” Mari said and Kira punched her in the arm, “Dude! That’s uncalled for, you dick!”
Hayley shook her head at the girls.“How is it that we missed out on all this Sisterly love for all this time?” she asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Easy. Mom and Dad split, one got one girl, one got the other. Sister gets knocked up, Sister comes to make fun of…I mean support older Sister…” Mari said, suppressing a laugh badly, then she eyed Kira, “You ok?”
“Yeah…I-I-I-Achooooooo,” Kira let out a sneeze and the sound shattered every glass and window in the house, Mari clutched her ears which ringing and she looked to her Sister in alarm. “Uh-oh, Houston…I mean Hayley, we have a problem,” Kira said and from the blank look, Kira knew she couldn’t hear her. “Crap.”
---Full of Surprises---
When Tommy arrived home, Xander Bly was sitting in the living room, attempting to hit on Mari. Who looked completely disgusted and annoyed.
“Xander?” Tommy asked and the man brightened, climbing to his feet and held out his hand.
“Good to finally meet you,” he said, his thick accent made him seem so charming.
“Likewise. What brings you by?” the older man asked and Kira looked up at him guiltily.
“Remember those genetic issues I was worried about?” she asked, he nodded, “Well, they ARE kicking in,” she said with a dirty look, “I just blew out all the windows, not to mention every glass AND both my Sister and Hayley’s ears with a sneeze. Thankfully Mr. Magic here could fix everything, these two will be fine in ten minutes. They can’t hear me right now. And I’m glad because I’m about to say some colorful things since you decided to knock me up with LIZARD BABIES!” Kira shouted and proceeded to call him every name in the book before going upstairs.
“Wow. Please tell me that’s the hormones,” Xander said, a stunned look on his face.
“Yeah. Pregnancy has made her kinda cranky, but she also has her pregnancy-brain as she likes to call it where she’s either forgetting something or crying,” Xander laughed and patted the man on the shoulder sympathetically.
“Women,” he shrugged, “I have no idea how you’re handling this. I couldn’t. Thank God my girlfriend doesn’t want to get pregnant. She’ll probably kill me when her mood changes, she’s violent enough as is,” Xander shivered at the thought.
“Well, I love Kira, hormones and all,” Tommy assured him and Xander smiled brilliantly.
“Good. Well, I’ll get out of here. I put a spell on the glass so that it won’t shatter like that again.”
“Cool, thanks Xander. Good seeing you, take care,” Tommy said and Xander nodded and with another grin, walked out the door and vanished in sparkle of green.
Tommy hurried up the stairs after Kira, who was crying in his bedroom. He walked in and gathered her into his arms as best he could.
“I’m so awful, why are you with me? Besides I’m having your lizard babies,” Tommy laughed softly and kissed the top of her head.
“I’m with you because I love you. And you’re not having lizard babies, but they do seem to have increased the strength of your Ptera Scream,” he told her and he could tell she was rolling her eyes. “Don’t say ‘duh’. I just wonder, given they are partly mine, if my powers were passed through as well.”
“I haven’t gone invisible yet so, we’ll see. We still have 5 more months to go,” she told him, she pulled away and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “I’m lucky you love me, I can barely tolerate me right now,” she told him and sighed, “I should go make sure Mari’s got her ears back.” She said as she waddled past Hayley who was in the doorway.
“You’re a good man, Tommy. Many men would be freaking out at their children having genetic powers and give up on the girl whose mood changes on a dime,” she said, smiling.
“Yeah yeah. Spare me your melodramatic speech, is she ready to marry me?”
“Hell no.”
“Crap. I finally got the ring sized too,” he said and tossed a ring box from his pocket into a dresser drawer.
“She’s gonna freak out when she finds out you’ve had that ring for 2 years,” she told him matter of factly.
“I couldn’t help it. It was there and it screamed Kira. As I told Anton, it’s his fault. He never should have taken me with him to pick up El’s ring. I got distracted by the jewelry.”
“If anyone heard that, they’d think you’ve been trying to marry the girl for years now.”
“No, I just saw a ring and got it for a friend. I’m glad I did,” he smiled to himself, Hayley shook her head.
“Either way, you two should really define your relationship before too many people decide to butt in,” Hayley advised.
“I know. But it’s hard, Kira is a friend, a friend I happened to accidentally get pregnant and don’t start, we used protection. I do love her, I do care about her but she had just started her rising career of being a pop star. Once she has the children, she’ll go back to it, it’s what she wanted. I would love to marry her but I don’t want her to think it’s just because we have kids.”
“Kira is smart, and she knows how you feel about her and that its not just because she’s pregnant. But I’d at least give her the ring soon, let her make up her mind.”
“Thanks Hayley, where would I be without you?” he asked her, and she grinned.
“Lost and confused, obviously. I’ll give Mari a lift home so you two can have some time alone, I’m sure you could use it,” she told him and he followed her downstairs where Kira and Mari were laughing.
“I swear I was!” Kira laughed and Mari was laughing harder.
“Was what?” Tommy asked.
“She claims she was a Power Ranger,” Mari said in between giggles.
“WHAT? I blew out her eardrums I owed her an explanation!” Mari sobered up immediately and stopped laughing.
“You’re serious?!”
“Yeah. She was, so was I, and here’s our tech, Conner, Ethan and Trent were the others,” Tommy said and Hayely elbowed him hard. “Ow! Damn it Hayley!”
“Wow. Cool, my Sister was a Power Ranger,” Mari said with a nod, “Where was your headquarters?” Kira smiled and leaned forward. She pulled the jaw on the T-Rex status on the coffee table that survived her sneeze. The hatch in the floor popped open and Mari’s eyebrows shot up. “I assumed that hadn’t moved because it was super glued to the table…”
“It is, for that reason.”
Without another word Mari headed down with Kira on her heels.
“Whoa, this is neat. And kinda geeky,” Tommy could hear her say.
“Yeah…I spent my entire senior year down here basically,” they heard Kira reply back.
“No wonder why you treat this house like it’s yours. Now I get why you two are so close for being ex-student and teacher.”
“You were totally hot for teacher weren’t you!? OWWWW!”
“Ha ha!” Kira laughed as she headed back up. “I’m getting too fat for those stairs!” she reported as she sat back down on the couch. “You totally heard all that right?”
“Yeah.” Tommy said, Kira rolled her eyes, “Kira! You act like I had no idea! You told me how you felt before I got your pregnant!”
“Oh yeah. I forgot.” Mari walked back up, rubbing her arm and closed the hatch behind her. “Sorry Sis.”
“Bite me.”
“Come on Mari, I’ll take you home,” Hayley said and Mari smiled.
“Thanks! Bye guys!”
Kira looked to Tommy who watched her quietly, then he dropped down next to her and took her hand. She sighed and leaned against him, burying her face into his neck. He gently stroked her face and then placed his hand on her stomach.
“We’re having a boy and a girl.” She said softly and he pulled away and looked down at her and then her stomach.
“Yeah. Sorry I’m such a crazy bitch,” she said and he smiled at her and kissed her forehead.
“Kira, watch your language in front of the children,” he said mildly and she laughed softly.
“I’m not making any promises.”
“I love you, Kira. No matter how crazy this pregnancy makes you,” he told her and she smiled.
“Good, because I don’t think its going to get any better,” she smiled, “And I love you too.”
“Good, glad we established that,” he told her and she shook her head.
“Of course. Now, wanna head upstairs and help me shave my legs. I can’t reach anymore and I’m sure you don’t want to sleep next to Chewbacca,” Kira said and Tommy laughed.
“I was hoping to have couples time but I didn’t think it was going to be that…” he said after he helped her up off the couch.
“We can fool around after. When I feel less hairy.” She smirked and he continued to laugh.
“Sounds good to me.”
“I’m sure it does,” Kira said with a wink as they headed up to the Master Bathroom.
To Be Continued
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