Morphicon 3 shots

Aug 22, 2012 00:00

This is mostly personal photos from morphicon, Dave has all the others. Guys, seriously this con was the best one yet and the casts...♥

Me and Brandon Jay.
He is a sweetheart, I'm honestly surprised he didn't have more people at his table. I mean his career is BOOMING right now! I told him I've been following his career fror a long time, straight down to Scooby Doo 2 and can track his career by the length of his hair. He laughed and agreed.

Working my way up to seeing Mike Guinn, someone I've had long convos and discussions with on Twitter...

Me and Mike. I wasn't going to take a picture with him, I was more than happy just to talk because they charge for it. But he's like, "come here!" and hugged me and insisted we take this picture.

The Bisco!Kid aka Phil Jeanmarie (and his wife Joy)'s son. He's SO fucking cute! ♥ Towards the end of the first day, he was getting fussy and let out this long growly noise to which Joy echoed it back until he gave up and half nommed and half kissed her cheek. His shirt even had a cape! It's so cute! By the end of the con, Phill was giving me cheek kisses goodbye, I love the Jeanmaries ♥

Mike is all alone at his RPM/SPD panel. Why Time Force wasn't included is beyond me. No worries, he isn't alone for long. I did tell him he looked lonely and gave him a hug then group hugged with him and Mouse and possibly Jud, it was random and fun!

Monica and Greg joined him soon!

And last but not least, Brandon. Who says Jack is probably divorced with two kids and Z is left watching his offspring...and is probably the Red Ranger by now...I may have to write that...seriously that panel made me miss my JaZ shipping ;)

Just chilling with Mike again. He pulled chairs over to us and over the table, he didn't like people standing there talking, he wante more personal interaction. He lamented not having a morpher so Mouse and I and Jud went hunting for one. We only found a RPM Gold figure and bought it for him. More hugging ensued. I later tweeted him ebay items and he was happy :D

Narvy and Paulie held a pie throwing class at their panel. That wall was never the same...

HEY LOOK! It's Katrina from ALL THAT back in the 90s...the girl who did the Ross Peroe impressions. Yeah. She grew the EFF up...she was SO sweet and kind though! I asked her to do the voice the next day and she still got it!!

These were her AWESOME nails. She got 'em done especially for the con. She's there with Karan Ashley, since they do a radio show together and soon a TV one I think!

Everyone loves Ransik...even Rocky. LOL. I still have no idea what Steve was doing at Vernons table but we had been waiting for Mike and snapped this in the meantime...

Narvy can STILL fit his Skull hat...and later Jessica Rey's WF White helmet.

Steve, Narvy and Paulie group shot ♥

Ricardo becoming Cole. I'm not a Cole fan, but seriously I adore Ricardo now. He always seemed like a tool but he's actually so level headed and a sweet guy. I was looking at his behind the scenes WF pictures (which have been leaked to Rangerboard, I watched it happen) and we started talking and he had a bit of a downer moment but mentioned his family (mom dad and grandma who were all with him) and then signed a poster for me for free and I asked for a hug. He's like "Of course!" and was like 'come here mama' and gave me a hug. It made me chuckle. (Same when Hector called me love when I got my first hug from him.)

Me and Hector. If you check over at shigeki_jkp's journal you can see how personally invested in his fans. He gave Jud a part of his costume. HIS COSTUME. And signed it! I told him how much I believe in his talent and career and got another hug then he insisted since I had my camera we take this picture. He's amazing you guys, he has SO much love ♥

As you see, here is ONE HALF of it. The other half is signed too.


I MET ASHUR FROM SPARTACUS/BAD GUY IN COMMON LAW. My jaw dropped when I saw him and he let us interrupt his phone call to talk to us. I got this shot and within 10 minutes of that, I saw Michael Rappaport.
Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

samurai, time force, rpm, morphicon, spd, wild force, mmpr

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