PMC Day 2 Highlights

Aug 18, 2012 23:39

-It's Jud's birthday. Therefore lots of birthday hugs.
-I saw Katrina from the original ALL THAT. Uhm...damn...

Her and her awesome nails.
Tomorrow (if she's there) I will ask her to do her Ross Peroe voice...since her voice is so close to it now, I hope she will!

-I met the Samurai crew minus Erika (and Steven and Felix who were not there)

-Phil is AWESOME. So good to see him again! Wish he woulda brought his son (aka the Bisco Kid) again.

-Mike Ginn continues to be amazing.

-the SPD panel makes me want to write for the season again. Monica and Brandon make me remember how much I loved my main ship (Jack/Z or JaZ)

-had so much fun hanging with everyone tonight for the party. Reminds me of how I hang with my friends :D loved spending time with you guys and I'll see you in the AM!!

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morphicon, power rangers, friends, via ljapp

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