Our Steps Seal Fate (Three)

Aug 07, 2012 22:17

Our Steps Seal Fate

Note: I do not own “Once Upon A Time” and I do not make a profit from writing this story. I’m just amusing myself.
Timeline: one week after “you lied to me”
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: language, suggestive content
Genre: General/Drama
Beta: the lovely pandorasimp and the instigator josiefier
Word Count: 2,054
Cast: (in order of appearance/mention) Red, Rumpelstiltskin, Emma, Dwarves, Granny, Snow, James, Thomas, Abigail, Frederick, Jiminy, Genie, Regina, Adam (OMC), Cogsworth (OMC), Lumiere (OMC), Babette (OFC), Ella
Mentions of: Jasmin (OFC), Aladdin (OMC), Yusuf (OMC)
Summary: History teaches us our greatest lessons and tales as old as time help our steps seal fate. (Or how Emma Swan learned to embrace her heritage and destiny as the daughter of The Charmings.)


Red and Rumpelstiltskin both pulled knives. Emma was pleading with them to put down the weapons. The dwarves were arguing (well all except for Sleepy who was blissfully snoring on the table) while Granny remain unmoved. Snow, James, Thomas, Abigail and Frederick were arguing.

"ENOUGH!" Jiminy shouted as he came back into the room. "Weapons away. Let's talk first."

Snow glared, "There's nothing to say! He is responsible for the death of my Father!"

Jiminy stood over the bound man, "This is not the answer Snow. You know that."

"Can someone tell me who the hell he is?" Emma asked.

Rumpelstiltskin giggled lightly and nodded at the mirror on the wall. "The human form of the man in Regina's mirror. A powerful Genie who made one wish, the wrong wish."

The Genie seemed surprised. As Jiminy pulled down the gag, he spoke, "It was not wrong to stay with the woman I love."

Emma shuddered and she looked directly at Snow, “Do I want to know?"

"He came to our home, under friendly invitation and killed my Father. After all he did for you! He freed you!"

Genie hung his head, "I am sorry, Snow, I am. Regina is a gifted liar and my love for her may have blinded me but I would never take it back."

As Snow went to charge him, James grabbed her. "No! He is no use to us dead!"

Emma was sickened by the smirk that appeared on his face, "Besides my dear, you cannot kill a Genie." as he stood she watched as he closed his eyes, his skin began to move. He almost seem to evaporate as the bindings fell to the floor. He stood, stretching, then simply straightened his tie.

"Damn, all my hard work went to waste," Red remarked, but he only smiled.

"If I were mortal, I could not have escaped, dear Red. I can see you've honed your craft through the years," he chuckled as she blushed, "I do admit I have loyalty to Regina but I have no desire to see her currently."

Emma snorted, "Why not? You are her lapdog."

He cast her a cool glance, still fiddling with his suit. "That may be but given everything we went through, all these years, I'd prefer her come to me. And she will, there is no mistake about that. Because of you, Snow, she lost her love, and Emma, you took Henry and Maleficent. She has no one left. Once she realizes I'm gone, it will draw her from hiding. But if you were wise, you'd turn your mirrors and shatter them." he advised, still seemingly uncomfortable as he continued to pick at his sleeves.

"What is your issue?" Emma asked, annoyed.

He stared at her as if he were stupid, "I am a Genie whose natural form and habitat is that of a desert. I am not used to so many clothes. Just as Red has donned dresses and cloak, I yearn to change, but I have not gotten to yet."

"Then show us your true form," Abigail said.

He nodded, "As you wish." they all watched as smoke billowed around him. When it faded he wore light, white pants, a vest and turban. Make up and jewelry adorned his body. A curved dagger hung at his side. Emma found herself almost spellbound at the sight but she also had to admit she was more impressed with the mustache he grew in one second. He sighed in relief.

"Better?" Rumpelstiltskin asked, eyeing him wearily as the sound of mirrors shattering could be heard through the house.

Genie nodded, "Yes," his voice was like a velvet purr. "You should try it, I'm sure much of your power is being tied into keeping your Gold form."

The chuckle that left the imp was not high, maddened noise he occasionally let slip, but a darker tone. "It is easier to pass in this realm with this form, than my true one. A being with golden skin will attract attention. When it is safe, I will transform."

Genie shrugged, "I understand, it was merely a suggestion."

"What are we going to do with him?" Red asked, "I do not trust him."

Adam spoke up, "I could watch over him," he offered.

The Genie eyed him, eyes flickering up and down his body, "You? Yes, your tall, seemingly strong but do not let this body deceive you, I am stronger than I appear."

The grin on Adam's face was a tad unsettling for Emma, "So am I. Plus I have three loyal companions lying in wait."

"Make that one, sire," came a very calm and soothing voice, "the other two are making out in the bushes." an older gentleman said, as he leaned into the main room, eyeing his pocket watch.

Adam slapped his hand to his face, "Zoot allors." he sighed.

There were giggles from outside the window, "Sorry, Master! I could not help it," came a heavily accented voice.

"These are three of my companions who helped raise me after my parents were killed."

Emma swallowed, "Let me guess, Cogsworth, Lumiere and Babette?"

"Oui, Disney did get some of the tale right," Adam said with a wink and a grin, looking as charming and handsome as the Prince from the animated classic.

But then Emma's brain shook free of the charm, "Wait, whose next one the guest list? Aladdin? Jasmine? Jafar?"

"Yes, yes and no. Jafar is dead, his heir lives on though. He's the exact opposite of dear old Dad though, such a shame." Rumpelstiltskin said, leaning on Red, who seemed not to mind.

"Looooooook," Emma said, drawing out the word, "I've had enough of War today. I need to do something else since we've accomplished nothing. I'm going to go check on Belle." As she headed upstairs, Red followed like a second shadow. "What are you doing?" Emma demanded.

Red shrugged, "I’m tired too. Sure I don't mind bloodying my hands for the good of the kingdom but none of us will ever reach an agreement. I could be spending my time finding something more fitting for this time and place. Ruby did not leave me with many choices I feel comfortable in."

Soon Belle was moved into Red's room and the women followed. As Snow, Ella, Abigail and Emma piled at the end of the bed, Belle slept on. Red remained standing, going through drawers, frowning and even blushing at the clothes within. She shook her head as she tossed what was either a bandeau bra or a really short skirt back into the drawer.

"Honestly," she mumbled, the paused, lifting a very delicate looking gown from the bottom drawer. She lifted it to her body, Ella and Snow sighed.

"What now?" Emma asked, arched her brows.

The women exchanged looks, "Ruby wore that at a winter ball. She was the most beautiful woman there..." Ella said with a dreamy tone in her voice.

"Did you relive the same day over or was I like a blur or a fog you all were living in?" Emma asked.

Snow took the opportunity to answer, "Fog. We didn't notice time passing and for all of us with the exception of Henry, it wasn't. We had the same routines day to day but we had exceptions on holidays and special events Regina would throw. That formal we mentioned, the same things usually happened. Ruby would charm everyone, get drunk with Leroy and leave with Gold. But during the fall formal, she would seem so unearthly under the full moon and would leave alone."

Red smiled, "Ruby didn't go home alone, she snuck over to Archie's. We never wanted anyone to know we were a couple, I didn't want him being judged." her smile faltered and her hand fell to her stomach. "It gives me that sick déjà-vu feeling."

"I get the same feeling when I think of the time after David left and he was in that coma. He was mine and I thought he left me but it never hurt so badly..." Abigail said.

Ella giggled softly, "Try being pregnant for 28 years."

"How did no one notice that?!" Emma demanded, loud enough that it woke Belle. "Sorry."

Belle shrugged, "S'all good, what am I missing?" she asked sleepily.

"Nothing really. Just looking for appropriate clothing." Red said, from somewhere deep in her closet.

Belle slowly sat up, Snow and Abigail both reached out to help her. The woman pulled her knees to her chest and rested her head on her knees. "What's that?" she asked, looking at the garment Red was now holding.

Red let another gown tumble down, it was a sleek, silk gown. The color was a rich, blood red color, something she couldn't take her eyes off of. "A gift from Gold..." she winced, knowing Belle's past with him. "Apologizes."

"Stop apologizing! I woke up to the thing he was. Nothing can make me love him again and I was a fool to! And you're a fool for being as close to him as you are!" she snapped.

The room fell silent, but Emma was surprised when Red just laughed. "You are right, I am. I have no delusions about my faults and vices."

Belle smiled, "Well then, what can you tell me about the man who brought me up here?"

"I think we established his name is Adam. Prince of the Frozen Realm, has three companions-" Ella began.

"He doesn't smell human," Red added, wrinkling her nose. "Probably has another form."

Emma laughed, "If we believe Disney, he's a Beast."

"They used to say Rumpelstiltskin was a Beast." Belle mused, "Too bad the talk made him worse than he is. Just a power hungry liar who is a self proclaimed Imp but is actually a cowardly man underneath."

Rumpelstiltskin's giggle filled the room making Emma shiver, "Now now, Ladies, that isn't nice."

Ella and Belle jumped, "Of course it isn't, it's true." Red snapped.

"Maybe I shouldn't have developed my gift for you then..." he said, turning towards the door.

"Don't be an ass," she growled, "I can end you easy as any human. You can heal but no magic in the world can knit a body after I've devoured it."

He grinned an unsettling grin, "Could be fun."

"No, we can’t risk it," she insisted.

Emma sighed, "Enough you two, what's going on?"

He turned back to them, "Red's cloak is a liability. It comes off. I’ve been working on something for ages...well I had something, but she refuses to wear it."

"You already have my name, I refuse to wear a collar!!!" she shouted and turned bright red as all eyes went to her.

He burst out laughing, "Oh Dear, you are just too fun to rile up, Pet. And all of you, I'm going to remind you one last thing. How dangerous it is that I know your names..." he paused, eyeing Red. "Adelina, drop your cloak and get on your knees." his voice was a low growl.

Emma watched as Red's eyes glazed over and as her arms went up to the knot that held her cloak secure. With one tug, it tumbled around her feet then, she fell to her knees, arms limp at her sides. He moved behind her, brushing her hair from the back of her neck. "Hold still and be silent."

Snow clutched Emma's hand to the point Emma thought she would break her fingers. She saw a glimpse of something he held in his fingers before he shoved it down and into her neck. Red's eyes widened but she didn't make a sound. As the metal sank into her skin, her eyes rolled back and she collapsed limply to the floor.

"I could easily do the same to all of you, but I choose to remain your ally. I do not care for mindless puppets nor did I enjoy doing that to her. I did it for your safety, because when she is threatened, the wolf wakes. And as much as I love her name, I do not enjoy using it against her. Now you all are the only people besides her blood that know her true name."

Instead of leaving her there, he lifted her up and placed her on the bed beside Belle. "Let her sleep."
To be continued
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( prologue 'you lied to me')
( one)

fanfic, ouat

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