the night that unites us

Jun 28, 2012 23:58

Specially posted for theonlyspl! Who declaired more Odanda (Odafin Tutola/Amanda Rollins) I hope you enjoy, sweetie! ♥

the night that unites us
“And one by one the nights between our separated cities are joined to the night that unites us.”
-Pablo Neruda

Note: I do not own Law and Order: SVU, I do not make a profit from this work.
Timeline: Season 13 (After "Strange Beauty")

just a taste

Rating: T-R (language, brief mention of sexual acts (masturbation, sexual contact)
Prompt: forced to participate in illegal/hurtful activity(dark_bingo)
Word Count: 642
Summary: It had been three months, three long months and he had been hoping to avoid this.
Timeline: after 'time' and before 'finding myself', the previous drabbles to this story.

It had been three months, three long months and he had been hoping to avoid this. With the sudden arrival of their target at their apartment when a new line of drugs. His stomach was in knots, usually he’d be cool as if it was nothing but he wasn’t alone this time. Sure he probably looked passive as normal, but as he glanced over to Rollins who was lounging on the couch in a short night gown, her long hair (now dark) flowing free, and a smirk on her lips. She looked surprisingly amused, fitting well into the role she created. As he scowled at the man, she welcomed him with open arms.

She was chatting to the target effortlessly, and the man was talking so freely, giving them more information than he ever figured he would. She was good like that, it was something he admired her for. She was amazing at her undercover work. She even exchanged her Southern twang for a flawless Russian accent, something that surprised him more than anything.

“Boss, this man wants to show you his product. Come see, don’t be rude,” she called, standing, “I will bring beverages.”

He walked over and listened to the man. From his previous work in narcotics he knew what to look for when it came to drugs. Now was the hard part, the fact he knew the man expected him to try it. That’s when without provocation Rollins took a hit. It seemed to satisfy their mark with their promise to market his drugs, he left.

As soon as the man was gone, Finn went to her side, immediately checking on her. She just giggled, amused at his actions. “I’m fine…” she slurred.

He shook his head, “No, you’re starting to roll, aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” she said with a nod, “It’s kinda nice…all I wanna do is fuck on some silk sheets.”


“Heavy petting on this comfy leather couch? It’s so soft, it reminds me of your coat...”

“Thank you, but no.”

She pouted, “Cuddle in the bath?”

He sighed, mostly because it was all becoming too tempting, “No, Rollins,”

“Why not?” she asked, “People need to think we’re a couple, he even questioned we were together! We need to act more intimate!”

Finn swallowed, “Rollins, it’s not that I don’t want, it wouldn’t be the first time I played house with someone while undercover but we’re partners. We can’t get caught up in this life…I know how tempting it is.”

She sighed heavily, “I know, but…with all the shit I’ve been through, you’re…” she suddenly sighed, stood up, wavered, and then headed for the bedroom, “Forget it.” Shaking his head, he followed her, watching her sit on the edge of the bed, seemingly annoyed. She ran her hands up and down her arms, looking at him. “I’m sorry, I…I’m just so alone here…”

As he looked down at her, he found himself putting his fingers under her chin, lifting her face. He leaned down, kissing her softly on the lips. The strength he had to resist was quickly failing, especially as he found his lips on her again. His hand left her chin, trailing down her shoulder, a groan left his lips as she grabbed him through his pants. Instead of telling her no, he didn’t stop her as she slowly pulled down his zipper.

Hours later as they collapsed together, he held her close, he could feel her smiling. “We’re going to have to try that when I’m not high…because I know I’m good but I need to see if you’re still as good as that…”

“Hey,” he laughed, “Trust me, I am.”

She laughed with him, “I’m sure you are,” she sighed, flopping off of him and onto her back, letting out a sigh of contentment, “Damn…worth it.”

As he looked over at her, the smile on her face, the memories of her body on his, “Yeah, it was.” He confirmed.

Hope you enjoyed it!

fanfic, tv, prompts

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