May 29, 2012 21:40

Not kidding. This is a big ass art post.
31 various graphics. Originally was just going to be a SVU post but I changed my mind.

Once Upon A Time
3 story graphics
"OUAT!"Beauty and the Beast (recast)
1 icon
1 large graphic
1 medium graphic
Law and Order: SVU
12-Fin/Rollins icons
4-Rollins icons
1-large graphic

Once Upon A Time
This comes from a story idea I've had from episode one when the shots of Ruby's uniform were leaked. I thought she was a stripper, honest to God. So...I've always had a fondness for her to being one...

Basically short and short (as implied) Ruby is a stripper at Mr. Gold's club but she has a soft spot for Archie...thanks to josiefier for the caps! (♥ you bb)

"OUAT!"Beauty and the Beast (recast)
Because I'm still insulted with their B&TB

just a small side note, the gown in this last one is a manip. Its originally blood red ;)

Law and Order: SVU
Yes some of these have been posted but I wanted them all in one place ;)
Mostly Fin/Rollins and Amanda Rollins centered. New favorite reason to watch SVU. Them!

All this caps (from Home Invasions and Strange Beauty) were from the wonderful spin_caps who was wonderful enough to take them for me! ♥ The ones from Season 8 (episode 12: Outsider. When Kelli Giddish first graced SVU and pretty much ONLY interacted with Fin ;))

beauty and the beast, tv, ouat, fanworks

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