Beautiful Thieves (1/2)

Mar 06, 2012 20:57

Beautiful Thieves

Author: dj_rocca, interludes by shigeki_jkp
Note: I do not own “Once Upon A Time” and I do not make a profit from writing this story. I’m just amusing myself.
Authors Note: This is my own take on Aladdin as he changes for Storybrooke; I know we were teased with the appearance of the “Genie” and ever since then, my urge to write this has continued to keep growing. I will blame my boyfriend (shigeki_jkp) for this story. He was the one who also wrote the interludes.
Setting: Storybrooke
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Frank sexual talk and content, language, prostitution
Prompt: You are so beautiful (love_bingo)
Genre: Angst/Romance/Smut/General
Word Count: 3,975
Cast: (in order of appearance/mention) Sidney Glass, Zakai “Kai” Jindal (OMC), Ruby, Doctor Archie Hopper, Regina Mills, Minerva “Mina” (OFC), Mr. Gold
Summary: In life we never suspect anything beautiful, but looks are meant to be deceiving and lies sound the prettiest on red lips.

“I would advise you to make up your mind quickly my young friend,” the Genie warned from inside the lamp, as the quick witted and fleet footed thief did his best to avoid the debris falling from above him.

“I can handle this my own way. I will most definitely not require any help, thank you very much!” he exclaimed, going to dodge and weave as he tried to maneuver closer towards his own freedom. He momentarily checked to see if his pet Monkey was far off. He was reassured when the animal clasped on to him, having caught up.

“Suit yourself, just know two things. Should you fail we will both be trapped,” the genie intoned, ever serious as he’d seen many a fool try to free him from the cave.

“And the second?” the youth called out, hope filling his voice as he saw a glimmer of light appear near where he entered.

“All this running around is giving me a headache,” the genie remarked, trying to steady himself as the boy carried his lamp to only he knew where.

“Don’t worry Genie, We’ll both be free soon!” he called out as he leapt with all his might.

“Hot off the presses, just for you,” Sidney Glass announced, holding out the first copy of the latest edition of “The Daily Mirror” out to the man in front of him. The man gave him a small smile, and then swept his curly hair back from his face as his eyes began to dance over the page. “What do you think?”

Zakai Jindal smiled up at his Godfather, “Another splendid printing,” he said, Sidney laughed.

“I wouldn’t go that far, but you, ever the polite gentleman,” the older man teased, Kai, as everyone else called him just shrugged.

Kai inclined his head, “I wouldn’t want to disappoint my parents,” he stated.

Sidney hung his head, “May they rest in peace,” a day had not passed had he not thought of Kai’s parents, they had been like his own siblings. Their passing had been hard on them both.

“Refill, Kai?” Ruby said as she swept over, coffee pot in hand.

He nodded, “Thank you, my dear,” he said, watching Ruby fill his cup with the strong black liquid.

“No problem, hot stuff, call if you need something,” she retorted, sashaying away from him and over to Doctor Archibald Hopper, who declined a refill but kept the woman over by him with his kind manner and warm smile. Sidney watched as well, a grin forming on his lips.

“You should start dating again,” he stated, Kai merely rolled his eyes, adding some sugar to his coffee.

After taking a small sip, he frowned then added more sugar, “I’ve told you, I have no interest.”

“Well Ruby seems interested,” Sidney waggled his brows.

Kai chuckled and shook his head, “I say this with no disrespect to the woman, but she enjoys any and every male that will give her attention. I see her as a friend and nothing more, besides, it seems Doctor Hopper is interested and I would never interfere.”

“Archie’s been trying for years, if he hasn’t landed her by now, it’s not going to happen,” Sidney remarked, Kai gave him a withering look.

“People change, Godfather,” Kai stated, the sudden jingle of the door sounded and heels clicked across the floor. He could hear Ruby greeting the other woman, who insisted she was just here to use the restroom and possibly a coffee to go.

That’s when shapely hips covered in red caught his eye, as the woman passed his table. Given most women in town had no hips to speak of, this immediately caught his attention. He could hear Sidney chuckling but he ignored him as he continued to watch the woman who possessed the perfect hourglass figure head towards the bathrooms.

“Close your jaw, pervert,” Sidney said, Kai felt his dark tan skin flush though given the facial hair he was sporting it was still hard to see.

Kai found himself flustered, caught off guard, “I’m sorry, I’m not used to seeing such a shapely woman around here,” he said, which only made Sidney continue to laugh at him.

“That’s Minerva, or Mina for short,” Sidney began to inform him, “I could give you the stats if you like.”

Kai shook his head, “No, that’s alright. Not that I do not trust your perception of people, Sidney, but it’s something that if I want to pursue, I will discover on my own.”

“Suit yourself,” Sidney said, “I’m off, Regina wants to see me at 9.”

“You do realize its 9:45, correct?” Kai asked.

Sidney nodded, “Oh, I know. See you later, maybe dinner?”

“I’ll let you know,” Kai said, “Have a good day, stay safe.”

Sidney smiled, “I will, don’t spend your day as a shut in!” he said as he left, causing Kai to shake his head.

Since the death of his parents, he spent most of his time at home by himself. Sidney teased him that he was going to become a crazy hermit but he just couldn’t find any motivation or reason to leave his house. That’s when his whole table jostled, breaking him from his thoughts as his hot coffee pooled on the table and onto his chest. He heard a female squeak at his side and a flurry of napkins flying at him.

“I’m so so sorry, I didn’t mean to, I guess I forget how big my hips are!” the girl was saying as she dabbed at his shirt. He focused now that the initial shock was wearing off to see that Mina was trying to save his shirt.

“Woo! Just take it off!” Ruby hooted from across the room with a mischievous smile on her lips.

“Shut it Ruby!” Mina snapped.

He found himself laughing, he couldn’t help it, “It’s alright, it was an accident,” he said, taking her wrists and pushing them back towards her. Now that he was face to face with Mina, he could see her lovely dark doe eyes, dark hair and pale skin. Her lips were a deep shade than Ruby’s own, more of a wine color than red by second glance.

“Sorry dude,” she said again, fumbling into her purse and tossed him a couple of dollars, “Hopefully that will help get it washed or dry cleaned or whatever.”

He shook his head, handing back the money, “I don’t need it but I appreciate the offer,” he told her, she looked to the money, then to him.

“Oh, you’re right, you’re that really rich dude whose almost as rich as Mr. Gold,” she said, then her hands grasped his, taking back the money. “Ok, well I’m still sorry that happened,” she said, scuttling out the door on her drastically high heels.

He looked over to Ruby and Archie who had been watching from across the room, “May I use your laundry room?” he asked.

“Sure, but I’d be more worried that she just lifted your ring,” Ruby said idly.

His heart dropped as dread filled him, he looked to his hand and he just notice the weight of the silver ring that he never took off was no longer there. It was an intricately designed ring; it had been in his family for generations.

“Damn it!” he cursed, while Ruby just smirked, “It’s not funny!”

She shrugged, “Sure it wasn’t, watching you go all flustered and stupid was a sight to see. Good to see it’s a set of hips and tits to get your attention.”

“Ruby!” Archie cried from his seat.

“What? It’s true! I mean look at me, Kai’s never looked at me like he just looked at Mina! She’s lucky to have such a womanly shape,” Ruby said, looking down at her own chest with a frown.

“You’re beautiful the way you are,” Archie informed her and Kai watched her beam happily at the other man.

She leaned down and pressed her lips to his forehead, “Aw, thanks Archie,” grinning she went back to the cash register, leaving a red lip print on the Doctors forehead. Kai shook his head at the love struck look that passed on the Doctor’s face.

Kai hurried out the door, looking up and down the street to see the girl was nowhere in sight. With a sigh, he ran his hand through his hair and walked back into the diner.

“Does either one of you know where the girl might have gone?” he asked, Ruby pretended to be busy in the kitchen and disappeared from view. So he turned to Archie, “Well, Doctor Hopper?”

Archie cleared his throat, “Well, given her financial status, she may try to go pawn your ring so you might want to check with Mr. Gold. That is all I can tell you on that matter,” he said, then took a long drink of tea.

Kai gathered his things, left his bill amount plus his usual high tip for Ruby before heading down the street towards the Pawn Shop. As he opened the door to the dark shop, Mr. Gold looked up from his ledger.

“Ah, Mr. Jindal, what brings you to my humble shop?” he asked, closing the book as Kai approached.

Kai looked down at the older man, “Did someone, a young woman, come in here trying to pawn a silver ring?”

Mr. Gold nodded, “Yes, a vivacious young woman did come in here with a silver ring. I recognized it as yours so I refused to purchase the item.”

“Do you happen to know where I can find her?” he asked, Mr. Gold shook his head.

He offered a sympathetic smile, “I’m afraid not, but I do hope you find her. If anyone would know, it would be our lovely Ruby. She generally knows where everyone in town spends their time. If she does not, Doctor Hopper is another good choice,” he said.

Kai inclined his head, “Thank you for the advice and your time, Mr. Gold,” he said, Mr. Gold flashed him a smile.

“Yes of course, good luck to you,” the pawnbroker said, leaving Kai to head out the door.

As he walked back towards his home, he saw Ruby loitering outside the diner, “Ruby?” he asked, wondering what she was up to.

“Hey, Kai, look I’m sorry I’m not being much help. I’m loyal to my friends and since you’re both my friends, it’s really hard,” she said by way of apology, he merely nodded.

“I understand Ruby, I have no ill will,” he stated, cupping her face, making her smile.

“Well good,” she told him, “Head to Dimagio’s tonight about 8 and buy me a drink.”

Kai smirked, “Now why would I do that?” he asked, Ruby batted her eyes.

“Because I don’t drink alone, I usually have a companion then, she likes to drink there.”

“Oh,” it suddenly dawned on Kai, “I will have to treat you then, my dear.”

Ruby smirked, “Good boy.”

As Kai was about to walk away, he stopped, looking back to the waitress as she turned to walk back up to the diner, “Ruby, were you really offended I’ve never made a pass at you?”

She laughed, a wide smile on her face, “No, no. I have plenty of men ready and willing,” she gave him a wink, “It’s just nice to have one who’s a friend.”

“I’m honored,” He said, she waved goodbye and headed back inside.

He headed to his large, empty house, suddenly exhausted for the events of the day. He fell upon his bed, dreaming the same dream. Of a life in the desert, a life of struggle, a life changed by magic. Familiar faces haunted him, shifting from Genie to Sidney and a woman who seemed like a Goddess to the thief. But after he would wake, trying to grasp onto the dream, it would vanish.

“So my little master, now that we are free what is it I can do to serve you?” Genie let out with what the boy would call a roar due to his size.

“For starters could you come down to a more normal person size so I won’t strain my neck trying to talk?” the street wise man replied, his mouth cupped so his voice would reach the mystical being.

“Simple enough,” the Genie smirked as he shrank to the height of his new master. “Now, I believe you are aware of my servitude,” he started to say but was quickly shut off by the boy holding his hand out to stop him.

“No, I will not have a servant. I would more than welcome a friend,” he smiled, oddly puzzled when the Genie simply stared at the hand in front of him.

“I mean no offense by it, I actually planned to use one of the wishes to-” he was abruptly cut off as the being grasped his hand, thanking him for his offer.

“To be elevated to something more than just what I am seen as is welcome moment indeed,’ the Genie started to say, distracted by the ring on his new compatriots hand. “ Are you aware of what that ring means?” he asked, his question keeping the hand and ring in question in plain view.

“No, I’d only just acquired it years ago. Does it hold some meaning to you?” the young man offered, starting to take it off before the genie stopped him.

“It is the ring of dreams, young Master,” the genie spoke with an air of respect to his voice. “With but a touch of your hand, you can be shown that which you only dream of,” he explained, leading the man to quickly look back at his pet, who shrugged and wandered off towards a tree.

“Well, now that you mention it there is this girl…” he spoke with a laugh, remembering the briefest of encounters with the curvaceous goddess of a woman in the marketplace.

“There always is my, young master, ” the genie smiled, knowing all too well that the second rule of his kind would prevent love from being manipulated.

“Please, we’re friends you can call me Aladdin,” he smiled back, as his hands ghosted over the ring, the image of the girl flowing into his thoughts.


When the hour struck 8, he found himself walking into the upscale restaurant and immediately heard laughter from the bar. Walking into the room, he saw Ruby sitting beside Mina. Both were clad in skin tight dresses, drinks in front of them. Mina was drinking as Ruby was chatting with Mr. Gold who sat on the stool beside her. Neither one said anything as Kai came up behind Mina. She didn’t look up or move when he brushed his hand on her back.

“Hello Mina,” he purred, and he felt her stiffen under his hand.

She looked over her shoulder at him, “Hey,” she said, it concerned him that her tone was so nonchalant.

“I believe you have something of mine,” he said.

She shook her head, “Nope. Sold it,” she said, he laughed, which seemed to surprise her.

“No, you didn’t,” he stated, she sighed.

She narrowed her eyes, “Ok, no I didn’t. Here, no one will buy it anyways,” she said and he watched as she pulled at the silver chain around her neck and his ring appeared out of her very ample cleavage. She pulled the necklace off and handed it to him. “Happy now?”

“Not yet,” he said, sitting down next to her, a smile forming on his lips.

Mina groaned, “You aren’t pressing charges, are you? I’m broke enough!”

“As people keep suggesting to me,” that made her brows arch, “Come with me,” he said, nodding his head towards the door. Mina leaned over and whispered something to Ruby, and then Ruby nodded.

Mina looked at him with apprehension, “Ok, let’s go then.”

He kept his hand on the small of her back, ensuring she wouldn’t disappear again. They walked through the brisk night to his home, which had her gasping.

“Damn Dude, I had no idea your house was this big. Shit, I should have taken your wallet!” Kai actually found himself chuckling.

“Well you would have had more of an income that way. Please come in and let me get you something to drink,” He closed the door behind him to see her whirling around the entry way.

The woman gazed at some of the images adorning the walls, telling the story of his happy family. His happy life, a life of privilege she could only envy. Everything was high class and elegant, things she had seen in magazines. She examined a picture of him and his parents, another piece of life she never knew.

She heard his footsteps behind her, “You look happy,” she said, gesturing to the picture.

“To be honest, I don’t even remember that day,” he said, holding out a drink to her.

She took it and held it up in a form of salute, “Well I don’t even remember my parents so touché.”

“I’m sorry,” he told her; she could hear the sincerity in his words but brushed it off with a shrug.

“Doesn’t matter, people die, we have to move on and live life,” Mina muttered, as she followed him into the living room. Once again it was lavishly furnished, obviously by his parents because she couldn’t think of why a man his age would have such elegant and delicate looking items.

“Speaking of life, what do you do with yours? Besides being a part time thief?” there was not even a hint of animosity in his tone which she took as a good sign.

She smirked, “I’m a prostitute,” she confessed, then laughed as he choked on his drink.

“Apologies, I just did not expect that answer,” he told her, still clearly shocked. “And do not take offense, but shouldn’t you be more well off if you’re selling yourself?”

She laughed, “Not in this town. Sure I do have some clients that have money but when your bills are so high, you end up flat backing for nothing.”

“Not even enjoyment?” he asked, his face coloring.

Mina shrugged, “Sometimes but it gets a bit boring when your clients are the same.”

“What if you had a new one?”

Her brows shot straight up her forehead, “Excuse me?”

“I have to admit I’m intrigued. It seems only fair, that way you will not be stealing from me and I get to enjoy and evening with you.”

She laughed, “Sounds tempting, but-“


She sighed, “I don’t know Dude, it seems weird to take money from you.”

“But you’re willing to steal it?”

Mina crossed the room, climbed into his lap and slammed her lips to his. He kissed her back, desperately kissing her back. He couldn’t remember the last time he had kissed a woman, never the less having sex with one. She rocked herself against him, groaning into her mouth as he bucked against her.

“Desperate huh?” she asked, breaking her lips from his.

“It appears so.”

She climbed off him, “If you want to pay it’s going to be a grand,” she informed him.

Without a second thought or hesitation he stood, pulling out his wallet. He grabbed out a wad of cash and handed it to her. He didn’t even count it, but she did. “Did your fancy education not include math? This is almost two grand here!”

“I know.”

She glared at him, “I don’t take tips or charity,” she snapped.

“I don’t care, it’s yours,” he stated in a tone she knew not to contest.

She looked around, “Well then, handsome, lead the way,” she said, grabbing her purse. He lead her up to his bedroom and she closed the door.

“I’ve never done this before…” he stated as he sat down on the bed.

She quirked her brow, “Well for starters, the penis goes into the vagina-“

“I know that!” he stated, struggling not to laugh, “I mean, do you have a routine or something?”

Mina blinked at him, face blank, “I start off by juggling.”

“…really?” he asked, which made her laugh, hard, to the point her pale skin turned bright red. For a moment he wondered if she was going to collapse.

She wiped a tear from her eye, “Boy, that was totally worth this whole night. Thank you.”

“I’m glad my naivety amuses you,” he said lightly.

The woman finally caught her breath, smirk on her lips, “Usually you tell me what you want and I set the price. Since you already paid and given the amount, whatever floats your boat, highness,”

Kai gave her a withering look, “I am no Prince, and given your attitude earlier on intercourse-“ the word made her snicker, “I say, let’s do whatever you enjoy.”

“Hmm, no one ever says that to me. Well I did just get this thing called a door swing…” she said, the tossed her bag down on the bed and pulled out some black straps that looked to be connected by a black cloth seat.

He just stared at it and watched as she went to the door, placed the top of the straps over the top of the door, then closed it.

“Basically I gotta get naked and climb into it,” she said, glancing at him over her shoulder, “If you want to do the honors…”

He was on his feet, across to her before she could even blink. He ensnared her full lips with his, pulling her close. She felt his hands reach for the zipper of her dress and tug it down, the cool air touching her flesh. To her surprise, for the first time in a long time she found herself excited about having sex.

The princess stirred in her bed, unable to sleep. Thoughts of her earlier encounter, as well as promises of yet to come, crept into her head.

That boy that she’d met ever so briefly. She wondered what happened to him, she would have liked to get to know him better. Her thoughts started drifting to matters most unbecoming for a princess.

She repositioned herself one last time and closed her eyes, fluttering closed as she allowed her body and mind to be taken away to a place she’d barely dreamt of with a boy she’d only once met.

It was the wee hours of the morning when Mina snuck from the house, the streets in this part of town were well lit given the high class of the neighborhood. She heard footsteps behind her, she whirled around and grinned. Ruby was strutting up behind her, grinning like the cat that ate the canary.

“Hey girl,” Ruby said, linking her arm through Mina’s.

Mina just smirked, “And who are you coming from? Hopper or Gold?”

“Hopper,” Ruby smirked, “Then Gold.”

“Atta girl,” Mina cheered, “One day you’re gonna have to pick one.”

Ruby just shrugged, “One day,” she stated wistfully.

“Is this what a walk of shame is?” Mina asked, as they continued their stroll.

Ruby cast the woman a sideways glance, “Hell no. This is the strut of success. We came, we saw, we conquered.”

Mina laughed, “I like the sound of that,” she said, bobbing her head in approval.

“Knew you would,” Ruby stated with a wink.

By the time the sun shone in through Kai’s window, he awoke, immediately realizing he was alone. He looked to his nightstand where all the money sat with a small note on top. In a feminine, but sloppy scrawl he read,”Thank you.” Or what he thought was ‘thank you,’ it was hard to make out. He sighed, thoughts consumed of her and their long night. And the small rational part of his brain screamed that he was becoming what Doctor Hopper would probably classify as lovesick.

To be continued

fanfic, ouat, prompts

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