Worthy Enough

Feb 18, 2012 18:07

Worthy Enough

Note: I do not own “Once Upon A Time” and I do not make a profit from writing this story. I’m just amusing myself.
Setting: Storybrooke
Rating: PG13 (ish)
Warnings: N/A
Prompts: Mothers Day (love_bingo)
Genre: Angst/General/Love
Word Count: 621
Cast: (in order of appearance/mention) Regina Mills, Henry Mills, Emma Swan, Sidney Glass
Summary: Neglected on Mothers Day, Regina finds another way to celebrate.

Regina Mills swallowed hard as she watched Henry sneak from their home. He thought he would never be found out, but she always knew what he son was up to. There was a catch in her throat, as he left with a small bag in hand. A present, after all today was a special day. Mothers Day. Until Emma Swan arrived, she had always received something from him. But this year there was nothing. If she thought her heart could break further than it already had, it would have at this moment. He rarely called her Mother anymore, and it stung. He hadn’t since he found that damned book.

She wrapped her arms around herself, turning away from the world to look at her empty living room. She crossed to her couch, sitting down. The word defeat sprang in her mind at her current emotional state but she quickly shoved it away. That’s when something blocked her vision of the wall. It was a bright color; she glanced up seeing the dark hand holding it.

“What’s this?” she asked, genuinely perplexed, she took the bag and turned towards him.

He grinned down at her, “Your child may have forgotten, but I never do. You deserve something special for being a mother,” he informed her.

His words always comforted her as no one’s ever had, “Sidney, you didn’t have to do this,” she said. She set the bag down at her feet, patting the spot next to her.

He sat down beside her, leg touching hers, she found herself sighing and leaning against him. She tilted her face to his neck; he shivered as she exhaled on his skin.

“Why are you so good to me?” she asked, she knew everything that she had ever done in this life and the last.

Sidney peered down at her, “Because, my dear, I know who you are. Inside and out, for all your flaws, your cruelty, your anger, your passion, your pain, for all of that, I still love you.”

“I am unworthy,” she informed him; she always felt that was true.

He shrugged, “I believe you are worthy,” he crooned, nodding down to the bag, “Open it.”

Regina captured the thin handles in her long fingers, “If you insist,” she purred.

Digging through the tissue paper, she found herself touching something cool, metal and glass. She lifted an intricate mirror from the bag. He always gifted her with mirrors.

“Why mirrors?” she asked, eyeing the gifts from previous years.

He smiled, “I like you to be able to look upon your beauty. To remind yourself who you are,” he said, the words held an implication. She was sure he didn’t remember, not in his waking hours but she was sure he always dreamed of her. He was compulsively buying her mirrors, as she had done for him in their past life. She had built him a trail of mirrors so he could follow her everywhere, and now he seemed to be piecing it back together.

A part of her, a small, tiny part of her enjoyed it. She loved that he was still so devoted to her in this life. Had she been able to love, some days she humored she could find peace in his arms. But the dark path and revenge would always keep her from him. She found herself placing a soft kiss to his lips, she could feel the need in his kiss. Usually she would just leave him hanging…but Henry was gone and she was feeling the need of a body next to hers.

“Come along, I know a better way to celebrate,” she whispered.

He winked, “I like the way you think,” he said.

“You always have.”

Honestly, these two break my heart. They need more time and focus, but little by little we see that had she wanted to keep him in one spot, she wouldn't have built him a trail of mirrors through her castle. Just my musings, I hope you enjoyed it! Comments are ♥

fanfic, ouat, prompts

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