
Jan 26, 2012 12:46

Now that I know what yourstar202 is having (WOOO) it needs to be Feb 12 so I can get the Beauty and the Beast episode of Once Upon A Time. I'm dying to write B&TB fanfiction in OUAT since I found out Emilie is Belle. I even have a little idea behind the cut, if anyone even cares or is curious, I would like some feedback though.

Basically I believe the Beast is Billy (the mechanic) or at least Adam. According to talk, the beast is Rumpelstiltskin. I believe he is A Beast, but not her Beast OR her Prince. Its not fair that fucking Emma (because I still don't like her. Mostly because she's so flippant with Henry's beliefs and is randomly ranting to them TO REGINA. But other times she seems to believe. Ugh. And everyone loves her except Regina.) gets ALL the fucking love interests /end rant. So that's my take on it. In Storybrooke we know Maurice is Moe French so her last name will be French.

Either way, here's where the story comes in:
Basically it will start in Storybrooke with Belle being Gold's book keeper. She's usually tucked away in a backroom and does random tasks for him (since he is her boss) like getting dry cleaning, sending away people he can't stand (Regina mostly). She's fluent in French and will mostly use that to annoy Gold. And I will have her humming "You all everybody" just because. When Emma happens upon her while with Henry, he immeidately recognizes her and spends the rest of the time trying to convince Emma she's Belle and that she does not belong with her husband (Gaston) who is actually a good husband and man in Storybrooke. (I kinda want to make him a cop or a fireman).
Mean while in the Enchanted Forest, Belle is Rumpel's prisoner, unable to leave, but one day, a handsome Princes comes looking for help and that Prince is Adam. Rumpel knows true love when he sees it and decides to make a deal. He also takes the Prince as his Prisoner and transforms him into a Beast. If Belle is able to accept and love him in the alloted time, he'll go back to human.

...because I don't see OUAT sticking to this, so I'm going to write it or attempt to...thoughts? opinions?

fanfic, ouat, life, family

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