Earth Song Chapter Chapter Twelve

May 23, 2011 10:17

Earth Song
Chapter Twelve: Promise Me

Note: I do not own Power Rangers Jungle Fury or Ninja Storm, nor do I make money from writing this. I’m just amusing myself.
Crossover: Ninja Storm/Jungle Fury/Mystic Force
Timeline: About 7 months (and two days) after "The Prologue"
Genre: Drama
Prompt: Promise Me (fc_smorgasbord)
Summary: The song has begun, summoning the Children of Earth to react. Heroes will rise from unexpected lines
Rating: T (language, content, violence, etc)
Two days past since the Mystic Force had arrived at the hospital and tried to heal Gabby. She still hasn’t woken up, and it’s killing me. Each day one of them comes with a variety of potions, pouring them down her throat. Some had helped, which was a relief. I look to my side where Lily Chillman had come and pretty much set up camp. Since learning of the accident, she refused to leave the hospital room. The doctors are sure she’ll wake up soon, they sense it. Many of them are Pai Zhua and insist they feel her fighting her way back. And all I can do is waiting, Lily’s hand grips my wrist as she suddenly sits up from her reclined position against the wall.

“What?” I ask, and she bolts to the bedside.

“Gabby?” she implores, I try with all my might not to barrel into Lily, shoving the Cheetah is a reflex to get closer, but not a wise move. She could probably kick my ass without trying.

“Bambi?” I ask, and slowly, slowly her eyes flutter open. Her eyes seem different; it’s kind of eerie how silent she’s being in this moment. She sits up and tilts her head, apparently listening for a few moments.

“Gabby, what is it?” Lily asks gently, brushing Gabby’s long hair out of her face.

“My senses…its so loud…everything’s so bright…what’s happening?” she asks, as all of a sudden, she forces both of us away and I feel a surge of energy from her I’ve never felt before. Her eyes and arms are glowing a light pink and suddenly the ball of light burst and a doe was standing at the foot of the bed.

Lily gasped and reached for it, it inclined its head and allowed her to run her down the top of its head down to the neck.

“Dude! Gabby, you DO have a spirit animal,” I tell her as the doe shook, the light ebbed and now it seemed an odd mix of mechanical and real, very trippy. Lily was now reaching for Gabby, who was sitting straight up, sweat dripping down her brow.

“Gabby, breathe honey, I know how suffocating that feeling is. Breathe in, come on,” she coached and Gabby’s body shook as she inhaled. As she exhaled the doe looked to us one final time and dissipated.

“That was…intense,” Gabby said and flopped back onto her pillows.

“Yeah, it’s always so overwhelming the first time. You feeling ok? You know you’ve been in a coma for a while,” Gabby nods.

“I’m ok. I feel ok. I was with my Uncle so I was safe,” she told us, “He says thank you for watching over me and making me feel accepted. He misses you and he’s so proud of you,” she told Lily, reaching up to stroke her face.

“So Bambi’s a good nickname huh?” I ask, Gabby closes her eyes and smile, her hand drops next to her and she turns towards me.

“That’s what she said,” I assume it was her spirit animal she was speaking about, “Dustin, I-“

I lean down and kiss her, I can’t help it, and I could have lost her. She kisses me back, and Lily just giggles and heads outside.

“Gabs, you have to promise me, never do that again,” I tell her, she looks up at me and I can tell she’s trying not to laugh.

“I promise I won’t slip to into a coma. Next time I’ll give you the heads up so you won’t be surprised,” she told me, with a giggle.


“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” she said, then her smile fades and she becomes quiet.

“Listen, I want you to know I will be by your side 100 percent of your recovery. I’m not going to leave you,” I tell her and she nods.

“I never figured you’d would but…”

“But what?” I ask, stroking her face.

“When I recover…I’m going to have to transfer to Pai Zhua, I have an animal spirit now, and they have to train me. I’ll have to leave you…” she tells me, I take her hand and press my lips to her forehead.

“Dude, you make it seem like you’re moving to the other side of the world,” I tell her and smile, “Pai Zhau is also in the Mystic Realm, just West…North?…or is it East, I don’t know but whatever that’s not the point. I have taken it upon myself to fall in love with you, sooooooo I’m not leaving you just because of that. And you’re not even really leaving me; different schools don’t have to break up our relationship,” I tell her and she smiles gratefully, it’s a wonderful sight.

“You love me?”

“Duh, come on Bambi! You know me better than that. I’m not the most secretive guy about my feelings for you,” I tell her, she laughs and we share another kiss.

“That is true, and I love you too,” she tells me, then yawns, “But considering how I just spent a while sleeping, I’m still tired,” she says.

“Guess that answers that question,” I mutter, adjusting her blankets, making sure she’s snug.

“If a person who comes out of a coma is rested or still tired,” she laughs softly.

“Well I wouldn’t be the-“

“Oh good! She’s awake!” Madison Rocca flanked by Claire, come into the room, Gabby seems confused, “It’s good to finally meet you!” she says, Gabby just looks at her. “Hello Gabby, my name is Madison Rocca; I’m the Blue Mystic Force Ranger. We’ve been trying to help your healing process, since it’s our fault you got hurt in the first place. We’re sorry about that,” Gabby takes that all in and seems calm about it.

“Can’t change the past, so you guys are forgiven. Uncle told me you guys had a deal and not to be mad,” she says, “And who’s your friend?”

“Hi! I’m Claire, I’m a Sorceress,” she said, beaming, she held up a bottle with some light blue liquid in it, “I have some more healing potion. It should still help!” she said as she and Madison approached the side of the bed. They shooed me out of the room, and I joined Lily in the hall. She’s just about bouncing in her place; she throws her arms around me and squeezes me hard.

“She’s awake! She’s awake! And her spirit finally appeared!”

“I’m happier she’s awake but I guess I was right to call her Bambi!” I tell her, Lily nods and lets me go, still bouncing. “You do realize this means I will no long be her Sensei?” I asked her, she stopped for a moment.

“A gal can have more than one Sensei. I had Master Mao until his death, then Master Phant until his death and RJ of course. Think of it as an expansion of her martial arts knowledge! Don’t you want her to be strong?” Lily asks.

“Of course. But I’ll miss her,” I tell her, she shoots me a look.

“I know the feeling. I’ve missed her too! But we can share!” she laughs, Madison and Claire walk out into the hall to us.

“She’s sleeping now; we got her to take the potion without problem. Her body should be physically healed but her neurological problems, we can’t. We can continue to give her as many healing potions as she needs” Madison says, frowning. She looks through the window into the room.

“We’re still very sorry about all this,” Claire says, and take Madison’s hand, “We’ll be in touch,” she said, “Take care!” in the blink of an eye, they are gone and all that’s left are blue and purple sparkles.

“Wanna come over for some dinner?” Lily asked, as she turned to the window as Master Swoop appeared and sat in a chair near the bed.

“Yeah. Let me tell the guys what’s up and I’ll be over,” I tell her and she nods. She says goodbye and heads down the hall.

I ninja streak back to the Academy where Shane and Sirena are waiting on the porch. When they see me arrive, Cam, Tori and Sensei all appear. Marah and Kapri come scampering over and so does Hunter.

“She’s awake,” there’s whoops from everyone, “But she gained a spirit animal. She found it, it’s a doe,” there’s laughter, “So once she’s out of the hospital, she’s going to have to leave here, to attend Pai Zhua to learn how to control and call her doe,” I tell them.

“But she’s not done here yet!” Sirena says in dismay.

“I know but its more important to have her learn how to call her spirit animal, its not a good feeling to have it pop out of you apparently,” Sensei nods.

“As I’ve always known this would happen. She must go, I was told this may be a probability that she may gain access to her spirit and she would have to leave. I’m sorry to the sadness it will bring you all of you, but it’s what’s best for her,” he says, “The spirit animals of the Pai Zhua are attached to their very souls, they feel each others moods, their pain, their thoughts, she must learn to control it. Those who do not seek to learn usually end up taking their lives, it’s a horrible statistic but Pai Zhua was created for that purpose. While Ninja’s like us, we feel the elements call, we are able to summon it through our bodies, and the Pai Zhau’s souls take on a secondary defense and become animals. Able to be called upon to protect and guide their humans,” he says, everyone becomes silent, thinking on what he just told us. “Dustin, it will be hard to see her go, but all this distance will do, its make the heart grow fonder,” he says, smiling to me, “Mind you, she has a home a few miles from here which, when she’s in better health, she will probably inhabit,”

“Aw Sensei! That’s sweet of you,” Tori said, touched the man cares about what this will do to me and the fact that she will be gone, she won’t be far.

“I am many things Tori, and a romantic is one of them,” he tells us with a smile, I cross to him and give him a hug, I can’t help it.

“Thanks Sensei, I appreciate that. But I’m gonna go have dinner with The Pai Zhua Pack. I wasn’t about to turn down the invite, RJ makes damn good pizza! I’ll probably check on Gabby one more time after,” I tell them and in a blur, I’m in front of JKP’s door and smells like….mmmmmm…sweet and spicy pizza. Opening the door, I see Lily’s happy face and RJ smiling at me.

“Time to eat!” She chirps and we all head up to the loft to have dinner, nothing beats pizza right out of the oven.


“Master Swoop?” Gabby’s voice is soft as she wakes up, she’s extremely groggy.

“Yes, Gabriella?” I ask.

“What happened?” she asked, hmm, this could be bad depending on her answer.

“What do you remember last?”

“Seeing my Uncle, The Lost Masters.” She blinks, her brows knitting together.

“You were awake earlier today, do you not remember that? You met Madison Rocca and Claire, a Mystic Ranger and a Sorceress?” she shakes her head and looks like she’s going to burst into tears. “The Doctor said, you may have damage to your memory,” I tell her, she’s trembling and she her leg twitches. She moves the blankets to look; she lets out a groan of horror and sobs.

“What’s wrong with my leg?”

“It was burned from the lightning that entered your body, and there is muscle damage. They doubt you’ll be able to dance again and believe you may need to use a cane,” She sobs again and throws herself at me. I pat her back and try to ease her fear. “You are not just a Wind Ninja student but Pai Zhua from Spirit to blood, you are strong and you will heal. You need time,” I tell her, she nods into my shoulder.

“Thank you,” she says, “For everything,” she whispers and she begins to sag in my grip. I carefully tuck her back in and she slumbers some more.

Not even a minute had passed and Dustin appears.

“Sup, Masters Swoop? Did Gabby wake up again?” he asks with such hope and radiance I cannot tell him what he just missed.

“No, she has just been sleeping. Go home, Dustin, get some rest,” I tell him and he hands me a small carry about box, I smell RJ’s famous veggie pizza.

“Alrighty! Good night Master Swoop, take care of her for me!” he says and disappears.

I don’t believe in lying but it’s for his own good. Gabby’s vitals hold steady as I listen to her heart and the blasted beeping of the machines. I know with everything in me, that she’ll be alright. She started off as a waif and she quickly developed into a Warrior as her Uncle vowed she would. I never would have believed it if I hadn’t been around to see her progress. I know that on the Other Side where he watches over her, he is proud of her.

To Be Continued

fanfic, mystic force, jungle fury, ninja storm, earth song

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