Earth Song: Chapter Ten

May 15, 2011 20:48

Earth Song
Chapter Ten: Becoming

Note: I do not own Power Rangers Jungle Fury or Ninja Storm, nor do I make money from writing this. I’m just amusing myself.
Crossover: Ninja Storm/Jungle Fury
Timeline: About 6 months after “The Final Fury”
Genre: Romance
Summary: The song has begun, summoning the Children of Earth to react. Heroes will rise from unexpected lines. A Ninja Storm/Jungle Fury Crossover.
Prompt: In the dining room with the candlestick: Clue! (fc_smorgasbord)
Rating: T (since the characters refuse to get out of bed)


My fist smashes down on my alarm clock and almost breaks it. It’s the last thing I want to hear right now. As I go to move, I remember I’m not alone and smile.

Gabby’s curled up to my side, blinking at me. I mouth ‘sorry’, and she smiles sleepily. There’s no way in hell I’m getting out of bed today and as I pull her against me and close my eyes, I drift back to sleep.


“Damn it Dustin! Wake up! Its time to teach!”

“Go away Bob, I’m not teaching today. Its time for you to take the reins Buddy,” I shout at the door, Gabby winces at the shouting and buries her head under a pillow.

“Damn it! My name is NOT Bob and I am NOT your Buddy,” Sigh. He’s always a pain in the ass. I humor the thought of getting up but I decide against it.

“Jake, just please teach today. I’ll give you one week off…and call you by your name all the time,” it goes quiet.

“Deal,” he says, woo!

“Good. Now go away,” I tell him and pounce on Gabby, who squees at the sudden and abrupt contact.

“Why do you two fight so much?” she asks.

“Do we have to talk about that now?” I ask and she shakes her head. “Good.”


“Feeding time!” Sirena sings through the door, opens it a crack and slides a huge tray of food in and quickly closes the door.

“Thank God,” Gabby mumbles into her pillow but makes no effort to get up. I laugh at her seemingly boneless state and cross the room, cursing at the cold and rush back to bed. She seizes the first thing her hand finds and shoves it into her mouth without opening her eyes or dropping a crumb.

“Now that’s talent,” I tell her, she laughs and finally sits up. She looks through the room for anything to slip on, and seizes one of my shirts and pulls it on. I just smile and help myself to an apple.

“Since apparently we’re not going to class today,” she says, finishing off her piece of bread and reaches for an orange. “You get to tell me more about you,” she says.

“No problem, whatever you want to know, just ask,”

“Biggest fear?”


“Favorite band?”


“Tell me something I don’t know,”

“My name is Waldo,” she snorts like everyone does when they hear my name.

“Tell me a secret,”

“I hate my name,” she laughs.

“Not that.”

“There’s two things I fear worse than falling. Its dying and darkness. Being a Ranger, risking your life, seeing destruction all around you, to know such pain and suffering. Its really disheartening. And dying…well just watching my Mom go through treatment after treatment, watching her hope fade from her eyes, listening to her cry at night, hearing her tell my Dad she wished she could just die to stop the pain…To suffer so badly to want your life to end…” I have no idea why I just told her that since it just brought my mood down to a bummer. She sets the food aside and crawls into my lap, she holds me tight and I bury my face into her shoulder.

“Its natural to feel that way,” she whispers against my skin, “I fear dying alone…my poor Uncle…there was no one there to hold his hand, to let him know…he was loved in the end…” she trails off and runs her hands through my hair, “I also fear spiders just as much. If you want to see me turn into a big baby, just show me a spider,” she tells me to try to lighten the mood.

“Cats creep me out,” I tell her, she continues stroking my hair.

“I’ve always wanted to ride a motorcycle,” I made a mental note to take her out soon on mine.

“I can’t surf, definitely not my element,” I was better on land than on sea.

“I hate my feet,” she said wiggling her toes.

“I failed math all through school,” That was obviously no surprise.

“Me too! But I loved science, especially ecology,” Science…it’s the one thing I was good at in school. Always surprised the hell out of my teachers though.

“I can cook pretty well. I used to after my Mom died and my Dad would be out of town, the first thing I learned how to make from scratch was macaroni and cheese.” She ‘mmm’s’ and lets go, flopping back down onto my mattress.

“I started baking because my Mom told me I was getting too fat,” I stare at her body and she blushes.

“Dude…I doubt that,”

“I did too! But my Mom insisted I was too fat, so to rub it in her face, I began to make cake everyday and gained 15 pounds,”

“Which you obviously lost,” she nods.

“Yeah but I just wanted to prove to her I didn’t care, I liked the weight on me personally but my Dance Instructor wouldn’t give me the role of Swan Queen in Swan Lake. Then I got my ass back into shape,”

“And a mighty fine ass it is,” I tell her and get a pillow in the face for my compliment. “Are we done with 20 questions?”

“Not that we got that far, but it will do,” she says and resumes eating. We demolish the food and leave not one scrap behind. Setting it over on my dresser, I climb back and bed, Gabby immediately snuggles to me and lays quietly, “One last question?” she asks.


“Why do you hate Jake so much?” she asks, “It’s very…against your nature. You’re Sunny for a reason but your anger to him and his anger towards you, I don’t get it,” she says and I sigh.

“You’re not the only one. A lot of people, even Tori and Shane, don’t get it. Yeah, I’m naturally prone to like everyone but there are some people that…I don’t know. Rub me the wrong way? I guess. Jake is very good at being a Ninja, he’s great in his skills but that’s as far as my admiration goes for him. When he was my student, all he did was question my ability to teach. From the moment he walked in, he acted like he was better than me. He always looked down on me. Yeah, Cam does the same thing but with Cam, its different, I’ve been through hell with him, literally and he’s a great guy when he’s not being…him. Jake would always use big words and brag about how rich his family was and how great he was and how I shouldn’t be teaching anyone and he would never view me as authority. After Jake was done, I hoped he would leave but he stayed on and then when Sensei decided to give us a ‘second in command’ to assist us, I was late. They got to choose theirs. Shane was with Sirena, so naturally he picked her. Tori and Dinah really bonded for some reason, I don’t know Dinah’s not that close to our “inner circle” like Sirena is. But she’s cool and knows some serious Water moves! She takes me down in seconds but it’s always fun. I guess Sensei was hoping Jake and I would bond being the top two of Earth Studies but we can’t stand each other. My presence alone pisses him off which is why he acted so bitter towards you, he saw how excited I was to get a new student who would surpass him in power,” I tell her, she forehead scrunches together.

“You don’t and can’t know that. Sure I picked up the moves quickly and I did that Earth catch-thing with your bike, but I’m just…me. Nothing special,” she says and I kiss the top of her head.

“Yes you are, or you wouldn’t have been let in. Seriously Gabs, think about it, do you see ANYONE else come in after you, even though we’re buckling down and training for…whatever’s coming? Nope! Just you. We have prophecies here; they’ve been pretty right on. Maybe there’s one about you,” I tell her, she shrugs.

“I doubt that but whatever you say, I’ll go with it,” she replied with a yawn and sighs contented.

“It’s another reason why I like you. No matter what weird sht happens, you just go with it like it was normal,” she smiles and chuckles softly.

“Thanks. I’m glad that’s one of my commendable qualities,” she says, and we fall into a comfortable and warm silence and shortly after, she’s a sleep. I close my eyes, and let myself follow her into dreamland.

---Still later that day---

I wake up and Gabby is dressed. I pout and she rolls her eyes, she heaves a pillow at me. I grab said pillow and snuggle it, since she isn’t sitting back down.

“Come back to bed?” I offer, she shakes her head as she begins to stretch.

“I can’t lay around all day. I have to move,” she tells me with a smile.

“Well we could go shower,” she laughs as I waggle my brows and shakes her head.

“Nope. Already did when you were sleeping,” I’m honestly surprised when she doesn’t throw something at me. Instead she drops onto the bed and looks at me; I reach for her and find her hand.

“What’s up?” I ask, she sighs and I wiggle closer.

“I’m feeling guilty, I guess.”


“Because I should be here to learn, not fool around with you,” I laugh, I can’t help it.

“You have learned. You can totally kick my ass now. You’ve become this strong fighter and you’ve come out of your shell but you’re still the adorable little doe eyed girl who ambled in scared out of her mind,” I tell her as I sit up and pull her into a hug.


“No ‘but’s Miss. If you don’t know by now I’ve been pretty clear on how I feel about you. And I believe in you,” I kiss her on the cheek and reach for my clothes, “I have one important question for you.” I tell her, her eyebrows rise to her forehead.

“And what’s that?” she asks.

“Do you like Clue?”

“Excuse me?” the look on her face is priceless.

“Shane will no doubt try to bust in, in a little while, sooooo we should be doing something other than what he wants to catch us doing,” She nods.

“I’m Mrs. White,”

“I’m gonna have to go with Colonel Mustard, gotta stick with yellow,” I tell her with a wink.

---Two Games Later---

With a startling yell, my door is thrown open by Shane. He made a disappointed noise as he saw us sitting cross legged on my bed, game board between us. Given that we both jumped and out pieces are now scattered, I pick up Miss Scarlet and hurl her at him.

He laughs and scrambles to catch her, and then throws her back to me.

“Hey you two,” he says in what is supposed to be a flirty tone, God he’s weird.

“Shane, shut up,”

“Just checking on you,” he said, faking innocence.

“We’re fine, you can leave now,” I tell him, and he slowly closes the door behind him. His shadow lingers under the door until I throw the game board box at the door.

Then out of no where, Gabby throws herself on me, and drags me down to the bed with her.

“Thank God that’s over. Clue is only fun for the first game, this is way better,” she says with a smirk I’ve only seen for the first time last night. She kisses me and I can’t help but to fall for this girl.
To Be Continue, drama and a bit of magic...

fanfic, jungle fury, ninja storm, earth song

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