I'm going to Morphicon!

Jan 28, 2010 12:40

I'm officially going to Morphicon given I just bought Silver passes (one for me and one for Jud since I'm the one who has paypal and he doesn't. I will be paid back though) and its forcing me into debt but its (hopefully) going to be worth it! And if Phil (Max, WF) is in town and doesn't officially go, we'll probably drag him along. Given his personal events happening in August its a bit selfish to want him to go but it would be a real laugh and a half. Especially since his fiance (Joy Bisco) always wanted to be a Power Ranger (she tried out for the casting calls a few times) and now she's going to marry one.

Anyone else on my f-list going?
Speak up!!

morphicon, power rangers, life, random

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