Totam Spem Relinquite Hunc Locum Adeuntes.

Jan 01, 2012 00:05

We set fire that you never wanted / To your camp and to your home / Too late for crying and too late for your prayers / We set fire to the world / Make your will we don't care if you will do so / Hide your children somewhere if you will do so / Keep in mind that everywhere we're sure to find them we wipe out our tribe / Opening the gates of hell / We're opening the gates of hell / Make your will we wipe out your tribe / Die die die die / You cannot run / You cannot breathe / You cannot move / You cannot escape / Opening the gates of hell / We're opening the gates of hell / Make your will we wipe out your wipe / Out your wipe out your / Make your will we wipe out your / Wipe out your wipe out your tribe

--Wumpscut, "Opening the Gates of Hell"

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Sorry for the inconvenience!
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