May 15, 2006 15:29

This is what loverly people have to say about me on My Space. Joey cheated on me with Katy...her friend, Kadi Z, posted this message to me...

"katy may not sink to your skanky ass level and say something back but you really pissed me off because your the ugly bitch who is psycho. Jackie is the sweetest handicapped person I know and not every handicapped person is mentally retarded so get your facts straight and think twice before you call someone a retard. If you feel better about yourself by being a bitch to a perfectly good person then go ahead, but I just want you to know that there are quite a few people who hate your guts right now. Learn to take rejection a little better and stop blaming other people for your inability to have a relationship that is not psychotic. OSEPH DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU HE JUST GOT SICK OF YOUR SHIT. We can't help it if he likes us more"

I wrote her back...but I have to post what my friend Kathryn had to say...

Wow. I don't know you, but I'm gonna chime in on this Britney/Katy/Kati Z/picture drama since afterall, it was my profile you read Britney's comments on. I can tell you have no life b/c you're so concerned with Katy's drama that you would go to the links to read my myspace when you don't even know me. (And yes, I am willing to admit that I have no life b/c I'm writing you in response, but I would like the opportunity to defend my friend.) You butted your head where it doesn't belong by sending Britney a message calling her amongst other things, "trashy". Is it just me or do you not see that Katy is the one in the wrong. Hmm...I guess not. That's probably because you're on her level. Yes Britney has had some relationships that have failed miserably. Can you honestly say that you know someone who hasn't? How do you know her relationship history anyway? I'm guessing half truths were just passed along, and what does that have to do with her comment? I shouldn't even have to bring to your attention that it was Joey who cheated. He could have just dumped her, and the fact that Kady is always the "other woman" and not his gf, makes it painfully obvious to everyone that she has no self-respect. It highlights the fact that she is insecure and believes that she doesn't deserve better, and since her actions have become habit, a good friend would tell her that instead of attacking the person who has a legitimate reason to be upset. I realize that it is politically incorrect and insensitive to call a handicapped person a "retard." Britney, however, cannot diagnose or evaluate someone's mental state via picture. While that does not excuse her statement, I can stand behind Britney's character when I say that it was in no way meant as an insult to her. She was just angry at Kady..and rightfully so. I will be the first to admit that I have said things I didn't mean when angry, and I'm sure that you can agree that most people do. If you would have approached Britney a different way, I'm sure she would have apologized for being crude, but it is obvious that you couldn't step back from the situation and look at the forrest. Britney is not perfect, but she isn't mean spirited either and that is exactly how you came across. Who are you to judge her? Are you perfect? Somehow your reaction to the situation makes me feel as though you aren't. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. And as far as warning her that, "alot of people are mad at her right now, " who really cares? I can promise you that she doesn't lose sleep over someone she doesn't like being mad at her. Hell it probably gives her comfort knowing that she's done something to piss ya'll off, a quasi-emotion revenge if you will. While it probably pisses her off that you had the audacity message, I can promise you that she takes solace in the fact that you've revealed to her unappealing aspects of your character; immaturity, quickness to anger, and noisiness.

I can't wait to move out of here. I can't stand Joey for talking shit about me and my relationships...I can't even stand his voice right now. He's out there talking to Amanda and Mo...errrr...can't handle this any longer.

At the HIM concert, I'm going backstage. I'm so excited. Work has been killing me. I'm going to start packing my shit so I can leave Joey behind. He's such a fucking backstabbing liar boy. Can't you tell I'm pissed. I need my friends to call me and hang out with me this week because Amanda and Ellen are going to be out of town...HINT HINT
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