So, yeah, I went skiing.

Feb 18, 2009 12:03

   Last night I went skiing.   Since it's winter break for school, my pass isn't valid during the day this week.  Of course, that's fine because going to Wachusett when it's swarming with kids on break isn't my idea of fun.  At all.   I got there around 6 and it wasn't very crowded on the slopes.  There were a bajillion people (most who looked like they were in high school) in the lodge, but since I'm only there to put on and take off my boots, it's not a huge deal to me.   Out on the slopes there were intermittent flurries of annoying snowboarder kids going too fast and the occasional skiier snowplowing their way down the black diamond runs.  But for the most part it was fairly nice.

I managed to time it so I could get to the harder "side" (the lift where the black diamond runs are) as they were finishing the evening grooming.  There is nothing quite like hauling ass down those runs when they've just been groomed.  Going down Smith Walton, which is the steepest run they've got, I was finally just going down, not cutting back and forth and feeling like I'm barely hanging on to the side of the mountain.  Going down the first of two times in a row, I thought "I've got your number, Smith Walton."  It was the best feeling.  I think I'm finally feeling fully comfortable on my skis.  When there's a decent amount of snow and you're not scraping the hard pack underneath (I got very little of that last night), it feels like this is what the best of skiing is supposed to be.  I know some people are all about the powder, but this just felt so good.

Afterward, I came home and made dinner, then went in the hot tub.  I was all tired legs, and needed that.  After all that, I slept well.

Emotionally, I think I'm beginning to understand what I do and don't want from my relationships with other people.  I'm also learning what things I'm willing to accept and learning to walk away from some people when what they offer will obviously not work for me and might even cause me distress later on.  Yes, I wish I could have learned that before the episode with S. (as i'm sure those of you who had to listen me go on and on and on also wish...sorry!), but I've learned it now, and it will help me going forward.

Well, I'm off to do my appointments and then get ready for the Cantab, and we'll see how the slam goes tonight - should be interesting!

personal progress, dj gigs, skiing, relationships

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