Happy Valentine's Day!

Feb 14, 2009 13:30

   Today, I love myself.  As I've already said, I'm my own Valentine and I totally want to do me.  I know I'm good in the sack, and I bake great cookies.  :)

Happy Valentine's day to all of you.  I'm going to Mighty Mike's feature at the youth slam at clark, and then to the awesome singles' night party at his house later.  Deciding now what to bring.  Something yummy.

Someone asked me if I had a big CD collection.  Sometimes a picture is the best answer.  Two, in this case.  :)

The gap in the CD collection (the first pic) is where I'm at with the encoding.  I take a stack from the shelf and encode it.  When it's done, I put the stack back in the collection and take the next one.  It's going to take a while.  I think i'm going to promise myself that I'll organize and clean my studio on Monday.  I get me the best presents.  :)

*hugs* to all of you...have a wonderful day - for you!

personal progress, self-esteem, studio, music

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