I never like pictures - of me.

Dec 13, 2008 23:02

  But I was getting frustrated about it, and feel like I'm moving somewhere in terms of my personal growth and acceptance, so I wanted to start trying to get comfortable with who I am.  Of course, the "who I am" only means who comes out in my crappy photos, but I still have to get okay with that.

Digital cameras don't have film, so I can do this for free.

Next time I'll actually put some thought into what I'm wearing and light and stuff...this was spur of the moment.  But this is part of me learning to be comfortable with myself.  Maybe at some point I'll be strong enough with the self-image to start doing nudes like some people I know, but that would have to come much, much later.

Baby steps.

Face shots suck because I've always had these chipmunk cheeks and a wide jaw.  Wide face all the way around, even without the extra weight (which is slowly going away).  But this is me, and I'm concentrating on what I like.

It's a start.

Obviously, I'm a lousy photographer with no sense of how lighting works, so I'm still going to have to work on it.  Plus, pictures with light means I have to break down and put some sort of stuff on my eyes and maybe my lips so I don't look all washed out.  Meh.  So much work!

self-image, pictures

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