Last night, at the Cantab...

Nov 13, 2008 13:04

...we had our 30/30 poetry show.  A bunch of poets who did the 30/30 poetry writing thing that Nicole organized read in slots slightly longer than the usual in an extended open mic (no slam, that was the feature, all those people).  As was noted, we had over two hours of poetry with a five minute break in the (sort of) middle and everyone was attentive and intent and there was a lot of great poetry.

Not that I'm saying I'm great, but I also read, which I don't really do that much.  I finished something I'd started a week or so ago because Simone had an idea that everyone should read new material last night and I felt compelled.  It was strange but nice to have all the people get that worked up about me getting up in front of the mic.  Hell, I'm up on the stage every damn week - or sort of off to the side, I guess.  I'll post in a bit - it was about walking with Shiva and I don't have a name (I'll think about it while raking leaves and maybe come up with something).

People pointed out afterward (and this is people who have been coming for a bit) that they didn't know my real name until then - which amuses me (pun intended if it makes you giggle).  I've gotten used to being called by my DJ name (it was a big thing when the Java Hut was still around), but it's funny when people realize they don't know my "real" name.

Perspective in poetry - I realize that one of the hard things for me in poetry is distilling what I write down to what really matters.  Writing is easy for me, but realizing what actually works in the poem for me is usually a case of taking things out.  I walk with all three of my dogs every time we go, but I wanted to write about Shiva, so I did.  There were tangents about things like the leash, like why I came back here (another poem altogether, or many, I suppose), and even things like where were the other dogs - they just got cropped, because this wasn't where they belonged.  Also, I'm finding my voice - there are so many voices in our community, and they all have their own sound.  Sometimes those of us who are still getting that voice (and even those who have one) get distracted by other voices and might end up trying to write in a style we like but that just doesn't ring true for us.  Sitting there every week listening to all of the poets, I'm struck by how many ways there are of writing poetry, how many different ways you can focus and distill what you want to convey.  I'm slow getting there, but I like the way I feel about what I'm doing.

I also really love the people at the Cantab who show so much love to me in all those little ways.  It's a pretty neat place to be, and I'm glad I'm there.

dj gigs, poetry, friends

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