It's about time.

Mar 25, 2007 14:43

  It's been too long since I updated.

Things have been chaotic for me in the last month or so.  My life is changing a lot, but unlike my friends, I'm doing a lot of change in the same physical location.  Me, I'm not moving, or extended traveling (to Africa?!  Maybe I'll visit), but things are happening right here at home (and inside me as a person physically and with my thought processes as well) that are significant changes.  I believe they're for the good, and look forward to following up and through on them.

Catching up with old friends at the 'Hut was nice.  Especially those that are people I haven't seen in so long - they make me remember where I've come from and how much I've accomplished in just over a year.  They also remind me that I wasn't the only one who enjoyed playing out on a weekly basis.  Somehow I'll have to get back to that.

My life is initnitely more complicated and less simple - sorry to speak in riddles (or so it must seem) but right now I'm still putting things away, coming to terms with things in a new light, and accepting my life is changed.  A lot.  But until i know how everything has changed with certainty (I'm still working thorugh it), I'll just say that everything is going well for me.  Life may throw me a curve or two, but overall I'm even better now than I expected to be at this point in my life.

Thank you to all my friends who've kept me (somewhat) sane - as sane as I could be - as I go through these changes.  LIfe does keep moving, and we don't know what's coming.  But I'm in a good place right now with great friends I appreciate and look forward to building my life again with new structures, new challenges, new opportunities and limitless possibilities.  I look forward to sharing it with you as I enjoy becoming the best person I knew I could be, even if I didn't want to admit it.

Somehow, I realize that life is short but I'm lucky to still have a LOT of time to work on everything - the only limit is my imgaination.  I'm thinking optimistically and not small.  What a great feeling.

Next weekend I'm going to Boston and I look forward to doing that.  I have plans in Boston Tuesday and Wednesday nights (Bloc Party concert Wed, not Cantab - maybe next week, it's been too long!) and Friday/Saturday (staying in Boston, going dancing, enjoying).  This is going to be a lot of fun and it will ease me into the business coming up in the following weeks.

I'll be looking out for things others are doing because I want to get inovlved more.  Plans are made for a trip at the end of April to Savannah and I'll have my travel plans nailed down next week.  This makes me happy, since I'm going to be hanging out with an awesome, fun friend.  *whee*

You all totally rock my world.  Thank you for being here for me, thank you for being patient with me. Especially the "men" in my life - who have put up with me at my absolute lowest points and still see some good in there that they want to be friends with and care about.  I care too, and wish us all the best of everything life has to offer.

It's nice to see the world from this perspective.  Amazing what you can see when you look in the right direction for a change.

*huge hug* and much love to all. 

life, changes, emotion, love, celebrate, relationship

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