(no subject)

Mar 11, 2004 12:55

So for a whil Eye moved to a nother city and eye wuz trine to make a klub nyght their becuz Eye herd they were rlly progersve in there muzik sceen, their. Eye opened a grindklashk0re kikcazz y0 niite but eye guest thay r all pussys their 2 cuz nobdy wanned 2 go to a klub nyght that dint' haave alcohal and they all want'ed to heer muzik insted ov the mixes ov my 5 songs.Eye mean it was so lame ther waaz at leae 5 hourz ov muzik an it was playn real loud so thay shud have been danin there ballz off but they werent' thay just kep askin for crappy ol shyzzit like panzermashine and wolshine an vnv naton and shyzzit instead ov listen to my h4rdfukcink0r3 grindkl4shk0re and dancing there ballz off.

So Eye moved back Eye wonder if meye gf is back from rehab yet.
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