Jan 01, 2005 00:27

Yeah thats right folks on top of getting my hair butchered i now have a tattoo....what fun right?

yeah so i got to spend spme time with Christian while i went and got my tat done...i now have a digital camera so i will post peectures of my hair and my tat later.....thats freaking cool huh?

Well i spent like a grand total of like 3 hours at the tat shop getting my friend the tattoo done...and my leg hurts from the position i was in for like the whole 2 and half that he worked on it but hey i shouldn't be complaining...

I mean damn this guy does an awesome job and i bargained with him so i got the whole thing done and colored in with a bunch of colors for like 100 bucks....and this isn't a small little thing either....

I got a Japanese demon dude on my calf and he is all blue and has like orange angry eyes....i like him alot im gonna have to name him soon.....boy will that be fun...

Oh yeah for anyone who is wondering if it hurt well yeah no it didn't it was just really annoying...find me in school and i shall show you him....he turned out freaking awesome....

Um apart from that Christian gave my mom and me our Christmas presents and that made me happy i shall give her my present to her oh so soon....i hope...

Um....yeah im out.....

SHOUT OUT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!
To all my drunkie friends....
To all my folks who acheived their new years resolutions...i accomplished mine..
To Christian for being there when i gots my Tattoo....Love Ya!!!

Peace Out You New Years Junkies!!!!!

Oh yeah....HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!
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