2:10 AM Mountain Chronicles...Volume 1

Mar 20, 2004 02:08

yes thats right it is "early" in the morning and i am feeling alittle delirioussss....fuck you i don't know how to spell so heres my day

2:10 AM...March 19th...2004...The winter has been cruel to us...struggling to conquer the mountain...another name was added to the list of men who perished in peril...MOOSTAFA...extreme frostbite of the teeth...poor soul...

OK that was alittle weird weird...


hopes decaying...food levels deminishing...tis spring now...and i have still yet to bloom...we hope to reach the peak in 2 and half months...failure not an option...DANGER at every turn...despair...consuming us all...i have not bathed in one year...i begin to blend in with my Tibetin friends...sad...yes...idiotic...yes what has happened here?...what has become of us?...Sanity slowly swirling in a downward spirial(fuck u wrong spelling) of an icy everlasting void...my beard...is now reaching my torso...i raise small animals in it...three of my toes have fallen victim to their sensless violence...bastards...you may be wondering...how i got a computer in the mountains of Tibet...i found it...so fuck off...its mine damn you...i began to notice a glazy haze of a dull grey overwhelming the eyes of my close friends...Keeshwa and Apoo...The sunset...burns my retinas...a swirling ball of orange and red...mengling with the dark over looming clouds...seemingly mocking me...for when i lost my left shoe three miles back...i left the shoe behind in hopes one of my friends would fall victim to the tyranny of the mountain...and i can steall his shoe...Free Tibet my ass...nothings free...

a horrible vision haunts my sleep...a llama...on fire...crying...finishing all my pudding...bastard...i awake in tearful screams...fearing the wellfare of my pudding...as a last resort...i started to chew on the sole of my remaining shoe...in hopes that it would taste like my beloved pudding...i began to grow weary and paranoid...wondering if my friends were conspiring against my pudding...was the nightmare an omen?...a premenition of things to come?...a forshadowing of my foresaken fate...i end this journal entry with one word...in hopes to give enlightenment to all man kind...


......The End.......

...For now....

......Tune in next weekend for Volume 2 of......


....By:Caleb Alverson/Jonathan Cameron.....

..Fuck Tibet..


To Pudding for inspiring this story (Caleb)
To Pudding the benevolent force of which I revolve my entire life around (Jonathan)
To Jabba The Hut for being....himself....a giant slug...SALT ANYONE? (Caleb)
To Pizza the Hut for inventing the most vile thing edible known to man (Jonathan)
To The ones I love....and hate....LOVE YA'LL!!!!! (Caleb)
To that mock me...hate inflicted..to the ones that care...trust restricted-Taken-(J)

Peace Out all my Kikes and other inferior Ethnicities!!!
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