Сlusterization! New Musical Typeface Kh Clusters

Jan 28, 2024 20:48

Cluster noteheads

The font includes 177 characters of vertical noteheads representing clusters of various widths - from thirds to ninths. To create wider clusters, you can use several specifically adapted noteheads. To do this, enter a multi-note chord with a tertian structure and replace the noteheads with the needed ones.

The symbols are based on three basic shapes of noteheads: regular “round”, “rectangular” (with an incline), and diamond-shaped. From each shape, note heads of eight different heights are formed, indicating various cluster widths. Their designs seamlessly align with the “flagship” font Kh Noteheads and adhere to the same aesthetic.

Same to Kh Noteheads, each type of note head is provided in 7 durations: filled note (quarter note and smaller durations), half note, whole note, brevis (with a double stroke), an alternative version of brevis (with a single stroke), longa, and maxima.

Download all Kh fonts

kh, *

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