Real Gain for Max & Max for Live: High-Precision Fader for Real-Time Manual or Automation Control

Nov 24, 2016 16:54

These faders are designed for making accurate crescendo, diminuendo and dynamic gradations during a piece.

Max presentation view:

Max for Live Device:

Patching view:

What’s wrong with gain~ and live.gain~ objects?

They both have exponential signal scaling, so what’s the problem with that?

Actually not any kind of exponential level (even dBs) graduation is equal for our perception.

And also in various circumstances effective dynamic range for manipulation can differ from one another (‟pianissimo” as level is really differs in various halls and with various amplifiers and loudspeakers).

For adjusting mix levels and for a few fades gain~ and live.gain~ are OK, but while active using for dynamics like in the example below they are not equidistant for our hearing.

Tristan Murail. Treize couleurs du soleil couchant. Mark 10

Graduating by decibels in many way corresponds with so called loudness level (phons), but absolute loudness (son) has non-linear dependence with loudness level:

So you need to correct the slider slope. You can adjust it and some other parameters inside the 'scaling-signal' subpatch or globally sending values to s globalscalexp and s globalboost objects:

RealGain control:

Parallel Connection or Why so Many Ropes?

If you have complex graphic user interface (GUI) with a lot of automated faders sliding simultaneously, sometimes CPU is not enough to display all graphic changes. If GUI fader is connected consequentially, it can cause interruptions not only in displaying fades, but in fades themselves; clicks can appear.

Parallel connection of GUI is the solution. But it is needed to keep all display/control functions.

Download all faders for Max and Max for Live Device from Yandex.Disk

See also: Data Transformers for Max-MSP: scaleexp (new version), scalelog & scalepar

max, bagatelles, midi, *

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