Critical Film Studies

Mar 04, 2012 01:44

I remember hearing this ten second piano piece when I saw Joel's short film that he made for school like 2 years ago. I asked him where the piece was from but he said he couldn't recall. But I would watch it countless times after just to be able to hear this mystery piece. And then last year I heard it again - but on another local short film I caught on OKTO. Armed with soundhound, I thought I could FINALLY know for sure where this score came from. But by the time I ran (really it was a brisk walk) to my room and back to the living room and clumsily tried to look for the app, the music had stopped playing. It was as though I narrowly missed out on meeting the love of my life for the first time on the elevator because I chose to buy a fruit (really, it would be an ice-cream) that led me to riding the elevator with three annoying kids pressing all the buttons. Point is I was so desperate to find out where the tune came from that I hummed into the Soundhound app just about a million times in all sorts of pitches and keys. But it kept giving me irrelavant results like Rihanna's Shut Up and Drive and an unknown (to me) Enrique Iglesias song... So I eventually gave up - my sisters weren't too fond of me singing to my iPhone. But long-term fate finally happened. I was watching a brilliant episode of Community (I'm taking a break from FYP guys...), and I FINALLY HEARD THE SONG AGAIN. Hearing the first piano note and I was like 'omg omg this is it, this is the moment I finally know what the song is called and jeff winger why are you so hot and abed why are you so funny'. Went to wikipedia the episode, and FINALLY FOUND OUT WHAT THE SONG IS CALLED. Those moments when I copied and pasted and then copied again and pasted again in the youtube search bar (because I was too excited to copy it properly the first time) are probably one of the greatest in my life. I need a life. Anyway, I present you... Erik Satie's Gymnopedie. No.1.

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