You can ask any civilian on the street about Superman and they can tell you their favorite moment. "I like when he caught her and the helocopter." or "The first flight together was so romantic." or "I like when he shot him in the eyeball."
But I think we as Superman fans look a little deeper. We see those small moments, they extra layers, the richer textures of the Superman movies and we appreciate them.
This meme is to show some pure fan love for any Superman film. A bit of a respite from the 'discussion' and just saying what we loved. Little tiny moments be they plot points of actor delivery that may get lost within the grandeur of the films as a whole.
So pick any Superman movie - Smallville too if you are so inclined and comment to
this entry. So we can have them all in one place. I know I'd love to see what YOU see what you delve into a Superman movie. Add yours to this
Library of awesome.