The interview in GQ magazine with Pegg is good. It has some nice insights:
'Then 30 years later the guy who made it [Indiana Jones Raiders Of The Lost Ark] is phoning me while I'm back at my mum's - Spielberg's voice is in our living room! It was lovely. I felt good because my mum could hear it.'
and quoting Jessica Hynes...
'Simon's enthusiastic response to my comedic skills was a standout occurrence in my life. Not since my mother saw me in a primary school production of The Emperor's New Clothes had I been so openly and consistently championed by someone. It was the mark of someone with a generous heart who truly wanted those around him to succeed.'
^ why Scotty look sad? Noooooo! :(
Plus Empire's 20th Anniversary edition has an awful lot of man talent with some lovely photos I had to share...
Enjoy! I had nothing better to do today.